• 18 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Lets be real, once you get past the people who have already picked their team and will justify any decision their party makes how many Americans are legitimately informed enough for it to be relevant to their decision making about more than 1 issue?

    The question is “Does she have a chance?” She definitely has a chance because of her optics alone, it will take policies and some pretty ambitious promises to seal the deal.

  • I think everyone misinterpreted what I said, which I said very poorly. Its my bad.

    Women who care about abortion access/rights as single issue voters almost certainly already werent voting Republican already. So if the Dems do run on a pro-choice platform it might not effect the numbers as much as people think.

    Essentially it might motivate more people to vote, because its a contentious issue and it will be weighted to votes for the Dems, but I dont think its a magic bullet for her campaign.

  • That may work in Harris’s favor. She is a woman and she isnt white…

    Now I know theres minorities and women who do vote red but if you look at the population based on percentages white men are only 31% of the population, White women 30%, 12% black, 18% Hispanic. If she pulls white women, and the POC (not to mention the LGBT+ vote) she could absolutely walk it in. She just needs to convince those people to get up off their asses and vote in record numbers.

  • Traditional is fine when its a good tradition.

    Now to preface this I am very white, but my whole life Ive heard from people that “My great grandmother brought this recipe over with her on the boat” and I have to bite my tongue not to say “Yeah but could she cook?” In a rural town of 50 families there has to be one woman who is the worst cook in town and theres a non zero chance it was her.

    I am absolutely the best cook in my extended family on both sides because I read, research, watch, practice technique and experiment.