This question was inspired by a conversation with someone I know on here who has been trying to curb theft. Specifically art theft. The person is an artist and has noticed how common (and sometimes seemingly random) art theft is and has been trying to curb it by taking a hit and hinting that her art is stealable (as in she wouldn’t mind if it’s stolen, as long as no deception is at play). This got us thinking, as though they are noble intentions and the massive backlash she has gotten for it comes off as weird, I don’t think encouraging theft is a good idea, nor do I think it’s a matter of kleptomania if it’s digital (plus I think it would already curb kleptomania to say kleptomaniacs are allowed to take something, advice appreciated if available). But it got us talking about what they would even want to steal. Is the appeal in the rarity? The sensory input? Something else? The person is a “passive progressive” and has done something similar to curb compulsive lying, and it has somewhat worked, so maybe I’m wrong.

To those of you who habitually steal stuff or know someone who does, what aspects of stolen items increase the appeal to steal them?

  • nocturne
    3 months ago

    I do not think I count as a klepto, but I used to shoplift as a kid a lot. It started when I was holiday shopping for my dad and he came around the corner while I had his gift in my hand. I stuck it (a 75¢ fishing lure) into my pocket. When I got home I realized I had never paid for it. So the next time I was at that shop I took a GI Joe or Star Wars figure. And then two and so on and so forth.

    There was a bit of a thrill to it, we were also dirt poor (a pack of ramen for dinner for 3 people, no indoor plumbing, no phone), and on more than one occasion my parents “borrowed “ my money to pay bills and never returned it. Partly I felt it a way to get back at my parents.

    My theft continued into my 20s. When my second kid was born it became out of necessity. Her mother would leave us for days at a time without formula, without a car, and without the shared atm card. When my 3rd kid was born I mostly stopped out of fear of being caught and losing my family. But when I saw something I felt was unjustly expensive I would still swipe it.

    I have only ever stolen from large stores, Walmart, Safeway, etc, with the exception of the local pharmacy where I used to steal comics because the owner was a dick to me about my skate board.

      3 months ago

      Thanks for a honest answer. I don’t think this counts as kleptomania. I hope you’re in a situation now you can find pride on paying your own way and not having to risk your wellbeing for groceries.