…to keep running as is.

creator of Apollo, a popular Reddit client for iOS, relays his talks with Reddit about upcoming ridiculous API pricing.

  • 🦊 OneFluffyBoi 🦊
    2311 months ago

    @noodlejetski For all the new people coming in, a fun thing about the Fediverse is that you can actually grab content from more platforms than just Lemmy if you feel so inclined. I, for instance, am commenting on this thread from Mastodon. I subscribe to users on PixelFed (decentralized Instagram + Flickr), Mastodon (decentralized Twitter kind of), Calckey (like Mastodon but with a different feature set), and Lemmy of course. So just keep in mind that that if you find yourself wanting more types of content, unlike silo’d corporate social media, you do have the option to explore the rest of the Fediverse ecosystem and have the content there show up in your feed. Mastodon alone has like 2.1 million monthly active users.

      • 🦊 OneFluffyBoi 🦊
        811 months ago

        @SaintPaul Well, IDK the specifics of following a user on Lemmy because I’m only a Mastodon user, but finding content on other platforms I can do. You just pick largish servers since those tend to be well-federated and type hashtags into their search bar. Like I went to Calckey’s flagship instance just now to search for nature pics, so I typed in #nature and it gave me a bunch of nature pics from a variety of platforms (though mostly from Mastodon and Pixelfed). From there if you see content you like you build up a follow list. Nothing too complicated. Other platforms like Mastodon and Calckey also give you the option to subscribe to hashtags if you prefer that.


        There’s a link if you want to take a gander for yourself.

        • @malachy@beehaw.org
          411 months ago

          Thanks very much for the info, that’s super interesting.

          I’m very techy both from my job and other interests and the fediverse seems a little daunting to me but at least I have a starting place to start exploring, thanks for the links and info!

          • 🦊 OneFluffyBoi 🦊
            311 months ago

            @malachy Glad to help! I’ve wanted a workable alternative to corporate social media for like 10 years at this point, so I’m happy to see an increased interest in Fediverse platforms.

    • DJDarren
      711 months ago

      I’m interested in figuring this out myself. I’ve been using Masto since November, and keep hearing about the interoperability of the Fediverse, but have yet to be able to work out how it actually works in practice. Like, how are you commenting on this from Mastodon, because I just searched for Beehaw from there, and it just brought me to this page and wouldn’t show me anything first.

      • Kamirose
        11 months ago

        @DJDarren On Mastodon, search for “@ technology @ beehaw.org” (no spaces) and you’ll be able to see the posts from there.

        Of course, since Mastodon is a Twitter-esque platform and Beehaw is a Reddit-esque platform, the layout on Mastodon isn’t ideal. But it is workable.

        • DJDarren
          511 months ago

          Thank you! I’ve done that, and yeah, it seems to work. After a fashion. It’ll take some time to get used to, mind.

          • Darren
            611 months ago

            Still figuring out how Fediverse and ActivityPub and all that works, and it’s *really* weird to see my posts on another site turn up on Mastodon, never mind being able to reply to myself and have it show up elsewhere…


      • 🦊 OneFluffyBoi 🦊
        511 months ago

        @DJDarren Lemmy communities seem to be treated like users on the Mastodon side of things, so you can just input @ username @ domain (minus the spaces) into Mastodon’s search bar and follow them like normal. The posts then get boosted into my feed where I can reply to them like any other Mastodon post. There does seem to be a warm-up period if you happen to be the first person on your Mastodon instance to follow a community, but once that’s done I’ve found the interop to be reliable.

          • alyaza [they/she]M
            311 months ago

            not that i’m aware of currently, no, which is really irritating. it’s apparently in the pipeline but this is an ill-suited time to gain such an influx of people without that, lol

            • @ucumu@beehaw.org
              411 months ago

              That’s a shame. I like this interface a lot more than Mastadon. I never really got into twitter.

      • Kamirose
        11 months ago

        @DJDarren On Mastodon, search for “@technology” and you’ll be able to see the posts from there.

        Of course, since Mastodon is a Twitter-esque platform and Beehaw is a Reddit-esque platform, the layout on Mastodon isn’t ideal. But it is workable.