I’ve known since I was a kid that I’m depressed. I even have infant photos of me, where I look like I just hate life. Other baby photos the baby is smiling, and interested in everything. Whereas I look like even though I’m too young to even have thoughts, I’m still giving off body language of “leave me alone”.

But when I started asking everyone I knew if they too were depressed, I haven’t gotten one single person to say that they’re happy. Everyone has said they’re depressed. So now I wonder if it’s a regional thing, or if everyone everywhere is depressed.

  • Tracked
    29 days ago

    I’ve been depressed for over 15 years. Never learned how to socialise or even get the slight attention from a woman. Apparently it’s the new normal, but every angle I see majority is with people with friends or dating. So I guess is just me that’s cursed.