Link to week 3

Use this space to update everyone on your progress heading into the final week. Is something going particularly well? Is there something you would like help or advice on? Share anything and everything you would like to about your project!

    62 years ago

    Well, it occurred to me that I could try to make an ultrasound machine for the lowest possible cost and present it at the end of my medical degree as an investigative work. So far I’ve managed to get an unfocused ultrasound signal by means of a cheap piezo element, using an Arduino board and some electronic components. Right now I’m trying to replace this setup with a custom PCB, ESP32 MCU and wire up an FPGA module to eventually synthesize a phased array signal and get an actual image. The idea is that the device will be quite small and one will be able to simply connect it to a laptop, start the client software (which I’m writing in Rust) and work with it.

    • @gyrfalcon@beehaw.orgOP
      42 years ago

      Love this! I am interested in how getting Rust code approved for medical devices will go. I know there is a lot of regulation in that field so I imagine it is slow to change.