
vecchio fan di usenet (anche newsadm)

siccome l’interfaccia web di lemmy e’ quello che e’, continuo ad alternare come un pazzo tra show read posts o meno


  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2022


  • Si, ma lo vedo piu’ come una comodita’, alla fine uno va su un sistema di forum perche’ vuole parlare di tetrapiloctomia applicata, non importa con chi. Invece il microbloggin, almeno dal mio punto di vista, e’ il luogo del cazzeggio con le persone che mi stanno simpatiche.

    Alla fine vediamo se questi gruppi di discussione decollano e portano del valore aggiunto, per me li potevano fare pure su un server friendica (cioe’ su un social network) dedicato allo scopo.

    cc me stesso @luca@sironi.tk

  • Let’s put it this way, an i’m mainly speaking about lemmy itself. A client should remember which post and comment you read already and mark them differently (greyed maybe). If you are watching a community, or an aggregation of communities, unread post and post with unread comments go first, of course.

    If you read all the comments the original post should appear after the others, and greyed, but if you expand the thread, you should be able to reply to whatever greyed comments. If a new comment appear on an old post, maybe after a week, you should notice it because the original post is not greyed anymore and back to the highest positions, maybe with a number indicator, something like “3 new message below”. If you expand it, you should clearly distinguish the new leaves because they’re not greyed.

    I mean, it’s not science fiction, it’s how usenet clients did it in the '90s

  • also, one thing that drive me mad (aside the difference between an original post and a comment that are treated differently) is that i basically have two options

    • to see all messages
    • to hide read messages, but this will hide also MY messages

    i was very close to rewrite and to send again the request above because of not seeing it anymore anymore and not having a feedback like “ok! sent! published!”