Here to talk about fighting games, self hosting web apps, and easy weeknight recipes.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I downloaded an ISO of it a while ago and played through maybe third of the game. I found it to be very playable. People always mention the long load times, but it’s worth mentioning that long load times were much more common back then. (Although Half-Life on DC was even longer than usual.)

    Also, I hate to be nit picky, but the blog post linked here manages to be weirdly wrong about two things and it’s barely one paragraph long, lol.

    Half-Life is one of the most successful video games of the early 2000s.

    Ahhh, 1998. One of the best years of the early 2000s.

    Half-Life was everywhere… except one notable place: Sega’s Dreamcast. It has been a mystery as to what happened with a game destined to have a port on every possible platform.

    Half-Life was a PC exclusive until the PS2 port in November 2001, ten months after the Dreamcast was discontinued. The PC and PS2 versions are still the only official versions to this day. Half-Life is not known for being on every platform. Was the author thinking of Doom, one of the best games of the mid 70s?

  • Aw, I was looking forward to this one. But also, meh, my unplayed backlog is huge.

    I’m gonna put on my casual-observer-business-analyst hat real quick: it seems weird that Sony is making so many decisions that they know will piss off customers with their brand lately. Microsoft has been striking out hard with underwhelming exclusives, whereas at least Sony has had a few hits. Sony could take advantage of that and use this generation to crush the Xbox brand pretty hard. The payoff would be huge later on.

    Business execs always fancy themselves as military generals; I’m sure they’ve heard that Napoleon quote, “Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.” Instead, they seem to be taking advantage of Microsoft’s blunders to just knowingly make their own blunders.

    Like, even from a cutthroat business exec mindset, there is a profit-motivated reason to just chill out with the anti-consumer stuff right now. Your biggest competitor has been absolutely unloading a clip into their own foot for like two years. Quit drawing attention to yourself.

  • Man, I’m hoping for a reintroduction of this character in Street Fighter 6. Twelve had so many unique properties that other SF characters have never had, like an air dash, and the fact that his forward walk simply went underneath projectiles. They just made him do no damage for some reason.

    All of the SF6 rebooted characters have been great so far.

  • I’ve heard this argument before, but I’m not sure that the numbers support it. Despite the Dreamcast having a head start, the PS2 started eclipsing the DC’s sales almost immediately, and that’s even with the PS2 having some supply problems early on.

    If piracy was the main problem, I would expect to see huge system sales and small game sales. Instead, the DC just didn’t sell very well outside of its initial launch.

    I’m not saying piracy didn’t exist, but Sega had lost so much support from customers and developers with the 32X, Sega CD, and Saturn, I suspect those are more to blame. They’d have been able to handle the problem of game copying better if they didn’t have a dozen other problems at the same time. Heck, it was the first console with built-in online services, and that’s the industry’s main way of dealing with piracy now.