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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • gxgx55@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlRigged system
    1 year ago

    but working in tech I just know there’s no such thing as “online gambling”.

    I wouldn’t call pseudorandomess(if that’s what you’re implying) as disqualifying something from being gambling - it only needs to be random enough with an even distribution.

    If instead you’re talking about odds being slightly in favor of the house then… that’s literally no different than gambling irl either. At which point, I have to question what you even define as “gambling”.

  • The most impactful single decision one can make in terms of not making things even worse is not reproducing. It is the single most sustainable decision in terms of resource use, pollution and climate change.

    The fact that people are voluntarily doing this is good, the presupposed “dangers” of population decline are dangers to the systems that demand infinite endless growth, which I would argue are dangers to people in the first place. Fuck 'em.

  • That’d be a silver lining if it were to work out that way. However, seeing the stats of old.reddit usage is depressing - it’s a very small minority, would barely make a dent in reddit’s traffic if every old.reddit user migrated in such a case.

    My personal issue is that reddit has that critical mass to not only sustain generic wide-appeal communities, which Lemmy also achieves, but also small niche communities, which Lemmy really doesn’t for the most part. Reddit needs to fuck up even worse, way worse than just discontinuing old.reddit.

  • My problem with Lemmy is the lack of activity in niche communities. You’re right that there needs to be a critical mass and arguably Lemmy has it, but only for the most mainstream, generic type of content. It doesn’t have the mass to sustain any sort of niche, outside of maybe tech related topics because of the way the userbase is slanted.

    I find myself going back there often because of that, but I hope that the userbase for generic content enough to sustain and grow, from where more active niche communities can spring up.

  • I am personally in favor of nuclear because I don’t think we have solved the problems with renewables yet, our power grids are not ready to support a 100% renewable system and as of right now, electricity grids require some stable energy. Hydro can technically fill that role but that’s restricted by geography, so in places where that is not an option, it’s a choice of fossil fuels versus nuclear. In that context, nuclear is the lesser evil by far.

    Unlike some of the other responses, I don’t think we can’t wait for energy storage solutions to be developed when we needed to be zero emissions, like, ten years ago. We need to use solutions that we know about RIGHT NOW, not years into the future.

  • gxgx55@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlLenin
    1 year ago

    I… am?

    What is this, I am against dictatorial abominations, so that means I am in favor of capitalist abuse? I am literally saying that opposition to capitalism is shooting itself in the foot by tolerating the existence of authoritarian “communists”.

    Unless you’re an actual tankie, your words towards me make no sense.

  • gxgx55@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlLenin
    1 year ago

    No, I’m just saying tankie infestations are so widespread and loud that they have a decent amount of leverage on what the average person thinks of communism, and tankie opposing leftists are either not loud enough, or not numerous enough.

  • gxgx55@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlLenin
    1 year ago

    Failing to account for greed for power some people have is in itself a fatal flaw, to be honest. Anyone who advocates for the exact same actions and glorifies the USSR knows what they are doing, they’re hoping to come out on top after their desired revolution. Unfortunately, there are plenty of those kinds of people on this platform…

  • gxgx55@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    It doesn’t, but in this thread’s we see a simultaneous claim of “We aren’t tankies, of course Stalin and Mao are not good examples of communists” and “Eastern european people were better off under the USSR”. Of course, I don’t think the same people are making both claims, but just the fact that some people can claim the latter and not get collectively shunned is indicative of a huge problem in leftist spaces, it’s disgusting frankly. Tankies are significant force, at least partially representing leftism to everyone else.

  • gxgx55@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    And when people who actually lived in these area during that period almost ALL of them say communism was better!

    Lol. Almost all of my grandparents and greatgrandparents disagreed and personally told me about their life during USSR occupation, and the two that don’t were well connected with officials and generally lived much better than the average person, enjoying vacations to Cuba frequently, something tue average person could never afford.

    Everyone else just lived in pretty poor, if stable, conditions. None of that “communism = starve to death” meme nonsense that some try to push, but it just wasn’t good. After fall of the USSR, things went worse before they became better, but now things are significantly better for the average person.

  • gxgx55@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlHow i feel on Lemmy
    1 year ago

    From my eastern block friends they are very confused how the USA could have allow homelessness

    Yeah, looking from the outside, the USA seems like it’s in a mess that it needs to fix.

    but they do talk about how everyone at least had a home and some standard of living - where it seems the standard of living is higher in Western countries.

    It is easy to look back at worse times in the past with pink glasses of nostalgia… Yes, everyone did have a home, but the standard of living was piss-poor - except for people with connections, who had it much muuuuch better, like my aforementioned grandparents.

    I’m from one of the Baltic states, and honestly the standards of living now are much better for the vast majority of people than it was in the USSR, even for minimum wage earners.