I installed the official Reddit app and went on it to see what the old place was looking like now. My inbox was filled with spam. The “home feed” shows subs I never subscribed to. There are so many ads. Between the ads and the the extra subs in the feed, it’s hard to just scroll. I also noted a lot of spam in some of the subs. Maybe they are subs with no mods? I’m not sure what’s up with that.

  • @michaelrose@lemmy.ml
    17010 months ago

    It does suck I’m presently suspended at the moment for abusing the report feature by reporting a Nazi supporting targeting Georgia grand jurors. Not only do they frequently not remove Nazis you can get suspended for reporting Nazis. I’m done with reddit for good. It’s a cesspool like Twitter.

      • @Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml
        2110 months ago

        I hadn’t heard of that idea as yet. He’s not generally well liked, given his position and personal role and the enshittification process of Reddit and generally entitled attitude possessed of many similarly wealthy people. I mean put more simply he certainly seems to be a dick, but I hadn’t heard he was in some way associated with Nazism. What did he do?

        • @bigkix@lemm.ee
          710 months ago

          Of course he is not associated with nazism, the dude above is stupid af, throwing labels of nazism just for fun.

          • @Jimmycrackcrack@lemmy.ml
            210 months ago

            That sounds much more like corporate interests and a related lack of will to get embroiled in moderation than evidence of ideological preference.

            The t_d folks liked to go to Reddit to organise their nazi rallies and that basically just meant more traffic for Reddit which on a crude level is generally good from Reddit’s perspective. It can be bad when it scares advertisers or when it drives away a larger amount of traffic from people put off by an apparently Nazi bent to the website they came to for killing time, compared to what they gained from a small group of freaks.

            It’s one subcommunity of a very large forum website that from afar just looks like another, additional contingent of users. If they start to hear some grumblings about it being a bit fucked up to allow this kind of community they could be tempted to intervene but that would mean taking active moderation steps which companies like Reddit have mostly not seen as their job or priority, especially Reddit which gets other people to do it for them for free, and then on top of that there’s some degree of risk that doing so would damage the brand when it causes a stink and people start screaming censorship.

            Eventually it becomes worth acting to get rid of something like this when enough stink is raised that news of the existence of the community and the types of discussions going on there goes mainstream and starts to spook advertisers and an actually large number of mainstream users.

            This to me looks far more like a deeply held and passionate belief in the idea of “more money, and not less money” than for Nazism. I’m sure they’d just as soon embrace Nazism if the winds shifted and they thought on balance it’d work out more profitable to keep the right wing extremists happy than the rest of society, but at least right now it’s pretty much not the case so they’re forced to act despite a cynical reluctance wholly unrelated to ethos.

        • @fsmacolyte@lemmy.world
          2310 months ago

          I think jumping straight to calling Spez a Nazi is ridiculous.

          On the other hand, Reddit has repeatedly aggressively looked the other way when it came to communities that blatantly violated the rules such as The Donald, jailbait, etc, while cracking down on and banning far milder users and communities.

    • @GreenMario@lemm.ee
      3110 months ago

      I feel the whole point of this and Twitters bullshit was to get the lefties off of the last major social media left so everything can be Fox book ahead of the elections.

    • @empireOfLove@lemmy.one
      10 months ago

      I reported extremely obvious spam repost bots and also got a permaban for “abusing reports”. Fuck em, they want rhe garbage content to overrun their site, they’re gonna get it.

    • Evie
      610 months ago

      Dude the same thing happened to me when I got in an argument with a mod! only our was about Muslim crimes that happened and me saying they were bad.(the one where the teachers was accused of showing Muhammad but did no such thing and was killed) yeah i said thay was bad! . The mods, they said I was committing islamaphobia?! Then he reported me for harassment for arguing with him and boom… banned… Fuck reddit a d the mods!!

  • SokathHisEyesOpen
    9710 months ago

    The “home feed” shows subs I never subscribed to.

    Facebook started doing this awhile ago too and made the site completely unusable for its original purpose of keeping up with friends and family. There is zero reason to browse Facebook anymore.

    • @Durotar@lemmy.ml
      10 months ago

      They say that Facebook spies on us and knows everything about us, but all I see on my feed is memes. I don’t like them. Here on Lemmy I block every meme community I see!

      • SokathHisEyesOpen
        1210 months ago

        It shows me tons of UFC stuff. I’m not even slightly interested in UFC. I’ve blocked dozens of different groups, but there’s a thousand more to take their place. It also shows me lots of groups about soccer. I can’t say that I’ve ever even watched one soccer game in my entire life. I used to visit Facebook to see how my long distance friends and family were doing. Now I don’t visit Facebook at all, since I can’t do that anymore.

      • @demlet@lemmy.world
        210 months ago

        So, I’m not trying to be snarky at all, just genuinely curious, as I’ve seen several people on Lemmy brag about how much they hate memes… Like, why? Do you not enjoy humor, or just not find them funny or something? It’s a bit like someone saying they hate dogs to me. I honestly don’t get it.

        • @Durotar@lemmy.ml
          10 months ago

          I didn’t say that I hate them. I said that I don’t like them. Let’s avoid using these words interchangeably.

          The issue with these communities is that they recycle the same old material. You mostly see reposts and blatantly bad jokes. Sometimes I feel as though people feel the need to create a meme, but they don’t have any idea what it should be about. It’s like trying to write a book or song for the sake of writing one. Nothing good comes out of it without a creative idea.

          When a new template becomes popular, people recreate old jokes with it, because even templates are not original anymore. There’s even a meme about this from Scooby-Doo, where the guy reveals that the monster (new template) is actually some guy they already knew (old template).

          Mostly, such communities pollute the feed with unoriginal and unfunny content that doesn’t bring any value to me.

          • @demlet@lemmy.world
            210 months ago

            Okay, I appreciate such a considered response. I do agree it gets old seeing the same exact post over and over. Reddit was getting really bad with that. Of course there’s always the question of why some people find something funny and others don’t too.

            For me though, setting that aside, I just find the variations on a meme can be really fascinating. Then you have memes referring to other memes or imitating them, sort of like you described. Memes that descend into abstraction so as to become practically incomprehensible… I’ve had to research a few just to understand whay they were even talking about. I think at its best memeing is like some kind of collective conceptual art collaboration. Or like graffiti or music sampling. So interesting.

            • @mctit@lemmy.world
              510 months ago

              I felt that way as a teenager but now as an adult it’s like a switch flipped and I find them insufferable. Memes within niche communities are still good though.

              • @demlet@lemmy.world
                310 months ago

                Yeah, it seems like all the answers I get boil down to: people don’t like them because they just don’t like them. Which is perfectly fair, I’m not sure why I was expecting a more nuanced response from anyone. It’s sort of like how some people like chocolate and others don’t. Who can say why really? It is interesting though that Lemmy seems to have a disproportionate share of vocal meme detractors.

        • @leftzero@lemmy.ml
          1110 months ago

          We do like humour. So called “memes” (that is, image macros, memes are an entirely different thing, of which image macros are merely a particularly malignant subset)… OK, I’ll grant you, maybe they’re not entirely the opposite of humour, maybe they’re just what’s left when you remove all the humour and just leave a dry mummified shell of what might have once been a very poor attempt at a bad joke… but still, if they’re poorly made (as is the case 99% of the time), they’re noise, they’re spam, and if they have any value whatsoever it’s entirely negative… and if they’re “well” made… then they’re just plain old political propaganda (but without the artistic value that good propaganda posters had), so noise, spam, and definitely of negative value to society.

          • @demlet@lemmy.world
            110 months ago

            I don’t think they’re entirely negative. Memes can be very creative. Nor are they all political. That’s a weird argument to me. As far as humor, I think we’re just demonstrating how subjective it is. I find plenty of memes very funny. Yeah, can’t say I agree with really anything you said there, at least not as a blanket statement.

        • @cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
          210 months ago

          It stops being funny after the 500th time. A lot of them are lolsorandumb zoomer humor. So its completely incoherrent or contains some sort of inside joke.

          I’ve hated them since it got popular on 4chan and 9gag back in the day. People were just spouting memes and I could tell they lacked intelligence because of it.

          I love humor. I love comedies and stand up comedy.

          Memes aren’t really humor. They’re rhetoric that gets repetitive.

  • Rentlar
    5110 months ago

    Interesting to hear your experience. It took me 3.5 months to fully remove myself from Reddit. (March to July):

    • I started just poking around Lemmy while using Reddit
    • to occasional commenting and posting on Lemmy
    • to using them about equal time
    • then making a final few posts and comments in the protest weeks and helping people migrate
    • then I was only upvoting
    • then I made a final goodbye post on my Reddit page
    • then I stopped voting but still looking around Reddit and the playplace.
    • then when that was over, I uninstalled my favourite RedReader app and stopped using it altogether

    I’m not one who likes to go cold turkey, but when once I commit to boycotting something I stick to it until my condition is met. In those final days I came across many Reddit users who were like “if you hate Reddit that much why are you still using iiiiiit?”, that was annoying but that’s behind me now and there is no condition for me to go back to it.

    • Dremor
      1010 months ago

      In my case I still use the Stealth App. It doesn’t allow to login, nor vote or comment, but you can still follow the subreddits you want to. No ads, no usage of the API.

      • TwoGems
        10 months ago

        How do I use it? I don’t want to give Reddit clicks but some subs never migrated over

        • Dremor
          510 months ago

          Install the app, optionally change the Reddit source in the options (soon you’ll be able to use a teddit proxy service to further obfuscate your profile, but for now I use the Web Scraping option), and enable some Privacy Enhancers, and you are good to go. To subscribe, search for a subreddit, open it, swipe left and click on “subscribe”.

          • TwoGems
            110 months ago

            Looks like Stealth isn’t supported soon

          • TwoGems
            110 months ago

            Looks like Stealth isn’t supported soon

    • @viperex@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      Maybe you can tell me. Does Lemmy have NSFW content?

      Edit: Easily answered that question for myself

      • LegionEris [she/her]
        410 months ago

        There are at least two instances specifically dedicated to it. I currently prefer pornlemmy.com to lemmy.nsfw. We need some more niche content to make it’s way onto the platform, but it’s a good start.

        • @cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
          110 months ago

          I keep seeing people say they want more “niche” content when it comes to porn on here but are people just looking for kinks or what?

          I saw all kinds of nasty kink stuff when I was browsing pornlemmy.

          • LegionEris [she/her]
            410 months ago

            For me personally, I’m a woman who is mostly attracted to other women, but I’m kinky af. Reddit has/had lesbian specific versions of a lot of NSFW subs. Having occasional lesbian content in niche communities isn’t the same. There are other very specific things that are personal to me, but needing more lesbian content would be the biggest category for me easily.

          • @hazeebabee@slrpnk.net
            310 months ago

            I think what people want is very specific, well curated, and active communities about uncommon interests. Things like a whole community that is just 30-35year old redheads wearing cat ears and cleaning their shower in yellow striped thigh highs or something equally as weird and specific.

            Like i remember stumbling across a community on reddit that was all about sewing felt vaginas/butts into stuffed animals so people could take their relationship with their favorite plushie to the next level. The community was shockingly active and full of discussion.

            Things like that take time and lots of active users to become a thing. Lemmy isnt quite there yet. Same with other kinds of niche interests that havent quite set up shop here yet (for example there are cannabis communities, but nothing specifically for bonsai cannabis)

            • @cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
              110 months ago

              Like i remember stumbling across a community on reddit that was all about sewing felt vaginas/butts into stuffed animals so people could take their relationship with their favorite plushie to the next level. The community was shockingly active and full of discussion.

              lol I am so not surprised something like that was active but I guess I have always been on the darkest corners of the internet.

              bonsai cannabis?? Please tell me more about that.

              • @hazeebabee@slrpnk.net
                10 months ago

                Lol it was an interesting peak into the depravity of the human psyche 😅

                And cannabonsai is super fun! You prune the cannabis kind of like a traditional bonsai tree. Its fun because you can get a complete look in a few months compaired to the years that traditional bonsai takes. It also works really well as a way to keep a graphed mother plant with multiple strains.

                I was gonna share a pic of my plant but I cant figure out how to add pictures in my comments that actually show up… so heres a link to some pics :)


                • @cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
                  110 months ago

                  Thanks for the link! I was also looking it up. It sounds really cool and I love that you can achieve the effect in just a few months.

                  If you have desktop you can insert images on lemmy - its been working for me so far.

    • @Yoru@lemmy.ml
      210 months ago

      I use Infinity that I downloaded from F-Droid and it still works without me inputting any API keys or paying for a subscription. Did it steal my key or something 💀

    • @wreckedcarzz@lemmy.world
      210 months ago

      FYI RedReader has planned Lemmy support as of a couple months ago; no roadmap or time frame but it should be in the works.

    • @Karlos_CantanaOP
      110 months ago

      I keep my account up because I’m in subs that have technical help for certain hardware and software and haven’t migrated anywhere. I have lots of answers to issues that can be very helpful when searching. It sucks that Spez has forced so many people to delete important help like that.

  • @FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee
    4810 months ago

    I just got permabanned for calling Clarence Thomas a cunt because “the c word is sexist hate speech.” You have got to be fucking kidding me, reddit has become such a piece of shit I’m done with it for good.

    • @RojoSanIchiban@lemmy.world
      1810 months ago

      That’s been a standard for banning in r/politics for quite some time. “Cunt” is the mod banhammer trigger word there. Clearly they have never heard of Australia.

        • @SuddenDownpour@sh.itjust.works
          210 months ago

          Politics? That’s a 'murican tradition. That’s why r/politics only allows to discuss 'Murica, because there are no politics anywhere else. What? Did c/politics say something?

        • @jcit878@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          r/Australia is notoriously easy to get a permanent ban for completely arbitrary reasons. the mods there are reddit neckbeard stereotypes on steroids

      • @Fades@lemmy.world
        510 months ago

        Yes I was banned there for saying I wouldn’t be sad if trump dies in prison or something like that, banned for advocating death lol

      • @FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee
        910 months ago

        What a bunch of fucking losers I can’t wait for their IPO to go down in flames, hopefully aided by some organization investigating and reporting the fact that like 30% of the website is karmafarming bots and chinese scam shills.

  • @Kyrgizion@lemmy.world
    4510 months ago

    Long before the big fiasco I had already taken up the habit of nuking my own Reddit account after ~6 months or ~20K karma, whichever came first. I had noticed that an attachment to such accounts creates inner turmoil. Like when you get unfairly banned by some powertripping mod. I simply didn’t like the fact that someone else had any kind of emotional power over me, no matter how slight, so I taught myself to kill my accounts without attachment.

    So when the shit hit the fan before summer it was trivial to just delete my latest account and not make a new one. Been a happy Lemming ever since, not planning on going back. Sometimes the urge to lurk creeps in but so far I’ve been perfectly able to ignore it.

    I honestly feel happier than before. I already don’t use any news apps and limit my exposure to actuality, and Reddit was pretty much the last “toxic” thing to hammer into my mind 24/7.

    I’d say I miss it, but I really don’t. The hours of doomscrolling I spent on there were not only wasted, but 100% counterproductive to my happiness as a human being.

    I spent over a full year /played in Wow loooong ago, and that time at least wasn’t wasted because I enjoyed most of it. Can’t say the same for Reddit.

    • @Karlos_CantanaOP
      710 months ago

      I keep my account up because I’m in subs that have technical help for certain hardware and software. I have lots of answers to issues that can be very helpful when searching. It sucks that Spez has forced so many people to delete important help like that.

        • @Karlos_CantanaOP
          210 months ago

          Export them where? I have tens of thousands of posts and comments. Idk how to easily find the ones that would be relvant and then idk where I would put them that they would turn up in a search. Right now if you search for an issue that I have a resolution for, it will come up with the Reddit post or reply that I’ve made. I don’t know what I would do with them if I exported them so that people could find them.

      • @Ajen@sh.itjust.works
        210 months ago

        Thanks for that, the only reason I go to reddit anymore is because it pops in my search results, usually when I’m trying to solve a tech problem.

    • Evie
      610 months ago

      I relate to this, but my issue when they banned my account with over 90k karma and four years of engagement, they banned me and any new account got suspended immediately… even after trying the VPN way… So when I try to delete the accounts… Reddit won’t let me delete them always says sorry you can’t do that right now try again later… but because it’s banned/permanently suspended… I can’t see anything on the profile either. I am beyond done with Reddit

      • PP_GIRL_
        210 months ago

        I feel that. Last year I had a 12 year account with about 140k karma permabanned for linking to rarbg on a TV series sub. My mistake but there was no warning. After that, every account I tried making got nuked for ban circumventing within a week of creating it, which made it impossible to use reddit for things like BST communities, which was pretty much all my activity was anyway

        • @FUCKRedditMods@lemm.ee
          210 months ago

          I just got permabanned for saying “cunt” because it’s sexist hate speech… dick is allowed but cunt isn’t? I think the neckbeard mods are just addicted to brandishing their internet authority because they’re such losers in real life.

          • PP_GIRL_
            210 months ago

            Relevant username. Nobody was more thin skinned than R*ddit mods

  • @Rolder@reddthat.com
    3010 months ago

    Personally I still use Reddit for niche things (like arguing with people about whatever video game I’m playing at the time) But fediverse here for generic scrolling

  • @NECRO_PASTORAL@lemmy.world
    3010 months ago

    as a former sync for reddit user, we were living in a delusion in the end. We fixed it for ourselves but the tides of change were inevitable

  • MdRuckus
    2910 months ago

    Not to mention the official reddit app is janky as hell. So many smooth scrolling 3rd party apps for lemmy.

    • SokathHisEyesOpen
      10 months ago

      They’ve been pushing that fucking app for ten years now, and have tried almost everything to get people to use it. Everything except for spending any time making it good. It shows the rot at the core of Reddit leadership that they’d rather get into a huge fight with their community, and break their mobile site, than just build a decent app.

  • @mikerussell@lemmy.world
    2410 months ago

    I deleted my account as part of the Great Reddit Exodus of 2023 but have periodically visited the site since without an account.

    Many of the posts I see now seem really sensationalist and almost like they were created by bots. Of course, maybe Reddit was always that way and it just some time being away for me to realize that.

  • @kool_newt@lemm.ee
    2410 months ago

    I poked my head in yesterday and was scared away pretty quickly by the overwhelming shitty attitudes. I got the feeling that right-wingers are taking over.

      • @Seasoned_Greetings@lemmy.world
        2110 months ago

        Rejection of science, rejection of medicine

        Alright buddy, let’s see your degree. Surely your distinctly right wing views have nothing to do with the bans you’re catching. It must just be because you have an extensive background in gender studies and those fools can’t handle that.

        There’s no way that people don’t want you around because you’re claiming science supports a bigoted view you’re spreading, right?

        • @APassenger@lemmy.world
          210 months ago

          Hold out your hands with the backs facing you, have your thumb at a 90° angle to your index finger. The hand that forms a capital “L” is the left hand.

          For anyone not sure about right and left, left is almost always the right way to move.

      • @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca
        410 months ago

        Rejection of science.

        The science and psychology communities, the people who actually study such things, are pro-trans rights.

        Rejection of medicine.

        Out of curiosity: what is your stance on the COVID vaccine?

  • @Donebrach@lemmy.world
    2410 months ago

    Standard “wHy Do YoU cArE?” Post, ignoring this is the Reddit community.

    But in all seriousness, not surprised. It’s likely only gonna get worse until it dies as a platform.

  • @LillyPip@lemmy.ca
    2310 months ago

    Thanks for taking the hit, soldier. I haven’t checked it since June 1, and was curious.

    • @RedditWanderer@lemmy.world
      510 months ago

      The day I opened rif and it didn’t load was the day I quit reddit. Never went back. Lemmy isn’t as cozy as reddit was for me after a decade, but I just had to deal with the fact those days are over.

      I scroll here for short 5-10 min distractions but nothing more, all the comunities and all the porn is a bit confusing. I spent the first couple weeks blocking them but there are too many combinations of seggsy words to get them all.

  • XIIIesq
    10 months ago

    A lot of people here still using Reddit. Such a shame.

    The world would be a better place if people were willing to put their money where their mouth is. You’re no better than the people that hate Elon Musk but refuse to leave X.

    • @systemglitch@lemmy.world
      2310 months ago

      Jesus, chill out dude. It’s okay to use Reddit for some things, because, like it or not, it’s the only viable option for a lot of things

    • @dezmd@lemmy.world
      1610 months ago

      Sysadmin, certain IT related subs, and my local city sub, are all still ‘useful’ subs in some way or another just due to sheer population still over there, at least until we have a larger mass adoption over here.

      Based on your shared view, why would you even sub to this LW community? Just cut the cord fully if that’s your preference.

      • @cubedsteaks@lemmy.today
        10 months ago

        I really miss having a local sub but both of the portland subs turned into absolute cess pools the past year, there’s an ask one too that’s also filled with “i need to be right about this” type assholes.

    • Altima NEO
      1610 months ago

      Yeah I gave up that shit. I’ll only go there if a search result takes me there for information I was looking for.

    • Jelloeater
      1310 months ago

      Sad to say, there is still a lot of niche info on there. Aside from finding stuff via Google, I don’t bother anymore.

    • @Seasoned_Greetings@lemmy.world
      810 months ago

      That’s not true at all. There’s a distinct difference in effort between a person who left but opened the door to observe the dumpster fire and a person who goes back every day for content.

      It’s the people like OP who are killing reddit. Insulting them for going back to look at the damage is backwards.

    • @Karlos_CantanaOP
      9 months ago

      As I stated in several other replies, I still use it because of a couple specific hardware and software help subs that haven’t migrated anywhere. As long as the owners keep the subreddits as their only place for help for their product, then I’ll have to keep using Reddit. That’s also why I haven’t deleted my account. I have help topics that people can find when searching for those devices or app. I’d hate to take those resources away just because Spez is a douche.

    • Kevnyon
      310 months ago

      I’m on Bluesky, but literally nobody I follow on Twitter is. I’m all for Bluesky, but it needs more people to become successful. I enjoy it a lot, but it just needs mainstream attention first.

    • @tronx4002@lemmy.world
      110 months ago

      I still use reddit cause some niche communities are more acrive there, but I eill say the front page has gone fron bad, to worse, to wtf

  • @i_cant_sports@lemmy.ml
    2310 months ago

    The “home feed” shows subs I never subscribed to

    I made a new account and was immediately bombarded with posts from subs on the account I deleted months ago, suggesting them because Reddit knew I visited them in the past.

    No, that’s not creepy at all. /s

      • TWeaK
        610 months ago

        They check via IP as well, and possibly also browser fingerprints.

        • eeeeyayyyy
          10 months ago


          If your using home fiber connection (residential), then your IP address is not permanent or static, at least for me (I’m from the Philippines anyway).

          Browser fingerprints

          Use Firefox Browser and install uBlock Origin, then. Clear cookies whenever you like.

          Honestly, I’ve never visited Reddit since the API BS.

          • @dustyData@lemmy.world
            310 months ago

            It doesn’t matter that you IP is periodically changed by your ISP. They will always be from sort of the same ranges, as IPs are regionally distributed. That’s what a digital fingerprint is for. The mix of browser configuration, screen size, OS version, IP, and specially if there are tracking markers (referral from other websites when you click on a link directed to reddit). Also, there are tracking cookies, you might delete the reddit cookies but there are still other tracking sites cookies that reddit can use to identify you.