• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2023


  • Oh, good Lord, now I’m embarrassed. 😂 I keep wanting to write a prequel for the Beetmonger’s Journal where I’m not forced up against a deadline. The first half of it is pretty good and polished. The second half was rushed by the contest I was entering. So, if you play the first half and like it, stop there! 😂But the concept was weird and solid - imagining there was an ancient secret society of beetmongers (like freemasons) what would they be like? I also had fun playing with the traditional perspective of IF games, and instead of 2nd-person, I made it in 3rd person (with a present narrator) and 1st person (wrtiting in a diary).

    I also love the Gostak - and I was one of the playtesters for that one before its release, back in ancient times!

    Nowadays, my time is taken up by board & card games - I’ve designed a couple, illustrated a couple. I’m also a part-time magician which takes care of most of the creative stuff, and magicianing actually turned into a positive cashflow hobby-side-hustle. (Thus, my moniker.)

  • Cool, nice to meet you, @feidry! What sort of games do you develop?

    I primarily design board and card games, but I’ve got a game I’ve been working on for Alexa / smart speakers to teach myself JavaScript.

    One great part of living in the Midwest is the sheer number of game design conventions that go on during the year. Next month I’ll be attending one of the Protospiels in Michigan to show off my works.