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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • Anything that suggests you believe the current state of the world is acceptable outs you as a lib. Saying things like “Yeah Biden’s got some problems, but at least he didn’t do a few of the things trump did.” If you believe that things would have been fine were it not for trump, you’re a lib. Or a moron, I cant always tell the difference.

    Heres a great summary of liberalism: “If we put forward good policies into the politics machine, then other people will too, and because I have absolute faith in the system established by a bunch of slave owners, whatever comes out MUST be just and good.” Which of course implies that if the result you want or need DOESNT come out of the politics machine, it is right and just that you should not get it.

    Like, they fundamentally don’t realize that the politics machine is capable of breaking, and that it has been broken for a LONG time (basically the moment it was asked to value the needs of someone who wasn’t wealthy, white, and male.)

  • FWIW, I think that episode is one of the weakest early season episodes. It’s somehow both too explicit and not explicit enough, because their world doesn’t make any sense beyond simply “capitalism”. The rest are a lot more in the realm of existential horror and questioning the morality of things. Black mirror just isn’t a good medium for an explanation of why capitalism is evil.

  • Liberals aren’t blue maga, and Jimmy Dore isnt a leftist. Not sure why you felt the need to identify that you’re an idiot in your username, surely we all could have come to that conclusion ourselves after reading one comment by you, no?

    Liberals aren’t Blue MAGA because,for the most part, they hold their beliefs for reasons involving logic, and in their minds, if “The Right Information” came across their desk, they’d change their mind. Though in reality they are falling for propaganda only marginally less dumb than what trump supporters believe. It just that trump supporters believe all the liberal propaganda, AS WELL AS the utterly ridiculous shit too, such as QAnon.

    That said, liberals ARE exactly as bad as MAGA when it comes to ignoring awful shit their candidate does in the name of winning. Both sides expect us to ignore that their candidate is actively horrible, because supposedly it was chosen to be this way democratically.

  • This is an incredibly toxic mindset. Without real proof of what you claim, you’re just deciding that people’s opinions don’t count if they’re far enough away from your own. People are becoming nihilistic because that’s basically the best case scenario right now. It’s obvious that voting for Democrats won’t work to fix the big problems we have, and if you try to go around the Dems with a reasonable outsider like Sanders, they will literally just fall on their sword and ensure the nut job gets elected instead, while simultaneously blaming you for not falling in line hard enough for their horrible candidate.

    Are the commenters you’re referring to shills, or do they do a shitty job arguing their case? Both can’t be broadly true.

    Are the commenters quitting because they get yelled at, or are they shills who will keep writing that stuff until they stop getting paid? Again, both cannot be broadly true.