• 1 Post
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年10月19日


  • We can already store electrons in a container, we call that a capacitor. You separate 2 conductive plates with a dielectric and then connect the plates to a voltage source to deposit electrons on one side and remove electrons from the other (creating a difference in electric potential). You can then disconnect the voltage source and you will have electrons in a bottle. When you connect those plates to another circuit, they will discharge. The more surface area you have, the more electrons you can store. Electrolytic capacitors tightly roll the conductors into a spiral for space efficiency.

    This cannot be used to gain any more energy than you used to put them all in there.

  • I think we’ve seen pretty much the limit of what LLMs can pretend to do. They can sort of spit out code snippets in a stack overflow kind of way, but are not capable of starting with a set of requirements and producing a complex program. Programming has never been about remembering all the syntax and having all the design patterns memorized, that’s what documentation and search engines are for. Programming is engineering a complete, maintainable solution given a set of requirements.

    I do think LLMs will eat Stack Overflow’s lunch as a source of quick code snippets for programmers to copy/paste.