Just your average quirky thigh-high socks enjoyer programmer. :3
Have you had data loss occurences in these bay enclosures? Some other commenters have said, that using it as a primary storage is really risky because some crappy controllers could ruin the drives’s data for example.
Yeah a DIY NAS PC sounds like a fun choice, it’s just too bad that this mini PC was a waste of cash if talking about storage. I do have an old PC, but it’s a 3770K which is mighty beast for sure, but definitely a more power hungry device.
And what’s your experience with it? Is the data transfer speed fast enough for you? Where do you do backups?
So as a TLDR a DAS really should only be used as an offside backup plan or secondary storage then? I might really have to do a DIY NAS with a desktop PC then. Thank you for the warning!
Wow thank you for these links, you’re insane. And if you would start this homelab process again, then would you go with this mini PC + DAS layout again, or with desktop pc as a NAS?
And what kinda mobo have you went with? A microATX perhaps?
Sounds like a good idea, since according to the comments it seems I really shouldn’t be using DAS as a primary storage (not with USB specifically).
Yeah this option seems like a more robust option than using an USB one. Unfortunately my mini PC doesn’t offer a sata connection, but thank you for the suggestion!
The one you have been arguing against seems like a bot or human waiting to annoy people for their satisfaction imo.
Ah shit that’s true, I’ve forgot about that. My bad
I’m not too sure, but 31 years old doesn’t really stray away too much from the average life span the 17th century people used to have (in terms of peasants)
Hát az eredeti kép arról szól, hogy a fekete srác nem randizhat egy fehér lánnyal, mert a faterja eltiltja őt rasszista okok miatt, de amúgy ezek az énének annyik, hogy a jobboldali cuccok szarok. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/oh-hell-nah-not-my-son
Személyes oldalból csak annyi, hogy a Rádió 1 ugyanazt a 10 fos zenét tolja, a Petőfi Rádió a legkevésbé rosszabb az összes közül, de az se az aranykorában van imo, a Retro Rádió meg okés lehetne, csak a faterom minden egyes áldott alkalommal csak azt tolja és néha sok kezdd lenni nekem a retró zene egy idő után, de saját Tidal zenéket milliószor jobban adom,
Thank you for the infos! Yeah classic mode is definitely a LOT more forgiving, and that made me feel a bit better in terms of seeing “big numbers go brr” moments. I haven’t played the game in a while, cause my rhythm sense is absolutely garbage, which ruins the vibe for me. Maybe I should just improve it by playing this game again.
Is there a graph like this, but in Ukraine?
The title sounds like it’s an ad.
This manga is so skibidi my fellow oomfies. I swear to Ohio, you must watch this or you’re the sussy imposter among us.
Modern denuvo games aren’t being cracked anymore. It only happens if the devs accidentally publish a just before launch release accidentally
I’ve watched through the parkour civ 1 in one sitting. The story isn’t extraordinary, but it was really great to see it, cause it’s an indie movie project basically.
Micsoda egy mozgó kép? Adom ezekre nem is gondoltam.
Vép rósz, mert még nincsen véreshurkás illat még. Addig marad a cigi + hell /s