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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • You can not say these things do not have “the connotations or baggage” (how dismissive) that “westerners attach to it.” The N word is an English word with one use, dehumanizing people of African ancestry. Blackface and Sambo imagery are also borne of white supremacist ideals and dehumanizing Africans. That is specifically where this stuff comes from. There is no alternative interpretation. You could maybe say someone is ignorant of the history of the N word, but if you are not racist garbage, the intent of blackface and Sambo imagery is very clear without needing a history lesson. Acting as an apologist for racists is functionally the same as being racist. I’m sure you’ve heard the expression about having dinner with 9 Nazis. 10 Nazis are having dinner.

  • I’m not entirely sure what would be expected here. Reality television is trash entertainment for trash audiences. I can’t imagine intentionally placing myself in the crosshairs of society’s lowest common denominators unless I had a plan to leverage it for my financial benefit. The people who consume this media lack critical thinking skills, the ability to differentiate reality from fiction, and a lack of impulse control. This didn’t occur thirty years ago when “reality tv” was in its infancy. The actual reality is well known and abundantly clear now.