Fair enough
These guys were still carrying these pagers to the funeral of the last group getting killed by their pagers? 200 IQ move.
How has nobody mentioned Condemned yet? That game is unnerving from the very first minute you start playing.
If by “creative” you mean absurd, then yes.
Merz ist einer von der Sorte, die durch bloße Boshaftigkeit am Leben gehalten werden. Der wird bestimmt noch 99.
Why are you listening to the youtube recommendations? Why are you looking at the recommendations? What are you expecting there in the first place?
There was a time when the YouTube recommendations were actually pretty good. I discovered a number of great artists just from suggested songs and playlists. That no longer seems to be the case though, my recommendations have been garbage for more than 5 years at this point.
Why? Doesn’t look like there’s any explanation for this move.
Wenig überraschend. Für Car Sharing macht es absolut Sinn auf E-Mobilität zu setzen. Für Privatpersonen sind die aktuellen Kaufpreise einfach zu hoch und die, die es sich leisten könnten, haben nicht immer eine Verwendung dafür. Die Statistik könnte deutlich besser aussehen, wenn Fahrzeuge wie Twizzy, Rocks-e oder Microlino erschwinglicher wären.
The resemblance is uncanny
If Russian troops start thinking the best way to stay alive is kill their officers, we’re gonna start seeing a lot of dead officers, especially with Russia’s reliance on criminals and mercenaries these days.
I wouldn’t get my hopes up. These guys knew that they were being sent to their deaths and they still obeyed the order. The Russian mindset is hard to comprehend.
Spannend, von der Firma höre ich zum ersten mal.
I can relate to this so much lol. I’m very tall and I remember getting into the Mercedes of a little old lady. The seat started moving forward while the steering wheel extended towards me. Felt like I was about to be featured on the hydraulic press channel.
Yeah, he mentioned that. Makes a lot of sense to me.
Nah that was my fault, I first pasted a wrong link on accident and edited the post but the bot was faster than me.
I haven’t seen that reference in a while.
I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion at all.
He just had the concept of a deal.
That bit actually really surprised me, I didn’t expect them to be so blunt about it. They say the Russian army is unbeatable but for some reason they still need Trump in the White House to have a chance at winning lol.