Sincerely, good bye…
Sincerely, good bye…
Do you remember the weakness throughout the Garland nomination? The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was made by a 5-4 vote, with Chief Justice Roberts supporting the Mississippi law but not agreeing to overturn Roe entirely, if Garland would had replace Scalia there was next to no chance to totally repeal it. Let’s say it was an exceptional and unprecedented move by the GOP under Obama, after the first trump term, Biden was elected, leak showed the SC to be almost entirely corrupt, he never acted on it, because dEcOrUm.
The protest were… not european like, to say the least. The american are numbs to what is happening to them but sure keep on deflecting whenever you have the occasion that will save the country.
Edit: I’m 100% against the GOP, no demonstration of their bad faith is needed anymore but it is necessary to hold democrats accountable to the fatal errors they have been committing and I never blamed entirely Obama he just shares the blame.
You missed my point. It was always clear for +90% of leftists that trump was worst.
You will not feel betrayed by your enemies but you will feel betrayed by your allies is the point.
Still there is not point in discussing why this demographic felt betrayed, democrats were angry when trump backstabbed Zelensky rightly so, yet you cannot see how it was the same thing when the democrats were collaborating with the extermination of the people they were supposed to protect? with the extreme violence lashed out on the protest? The harassment? The doxxing? The clear avoidance of international sanctions etc.
Like come on, it would not have been my choice to not vote or vote trump but at some point we should reflect on the why and understand that the democrats acted in a shitty way and betrayed their voter base, it’s as simple as that.
Why didn’t Obama secured the Supreme Court, he had the opportunity? Oh yeah… DeCoRuM. Keep deflecting, but the truth is that the US political system is sick, continue playing ball and you will never know freedom before it’s too late.
How did the democrats secured Roe vs Wade when they were in charge again?
I agree but in my opinion the truth should still be spoken.
When republicans are in charge
F*ck school shooting, republicans don’t care about children, weapons are harmful for our society, we should be harder on weapons permits and shit
When democrats are in charge (or near election time)
Let’s not talk about the 2nd amendment it’s divisive and not productive we need to find workaround in the hypothetical future maybe we can “ban” military grade weapons to shut up the inconvenients (+ lots of blabla about non existent things)
keep on the good joke rather than acting and doing anything productive… Ah my bad, I’m too harsh, you guys atleast succeeded at securing abortion or trans rights… oh… wait…
Stop deflecting, own your culture and what it stands for, it’s the only way forward.
How convenient…
Edit: When you’re debating with someone and they resort to call you mentally ill, it does say something about the nature of what they are trying to defend. Food for thought.
It’s an American problem, stop digressing…
This is not about “DEI” it’s about marketing and demographic, in short economic interest, personally i wouldn’t throw them flowers.
The dishonesty you are displaying throughout this thread is truly worrying…
Anything but talk about the actual post… smh
“the muslims” Okay now let’s see what it would looks like if I change this word by an other one starting with a J.
Wait…?! Why I’m getting Déjà vu…ಠ_ಠ
I’m sorry but in this context, under this specific post, you do not seem genuine or honest from my POV, if you are truly interested in my opinion you will find it in this thread.
What else is there to say if not than the democrats have pushed for the ostracism of their own base to pander to their donors, failed to reach a majority of the population due to a baseless political program…?
Keep on poking, acting all virtuous, and generalizing the minority yet most activist part of your voter base… I mean wake me up when the democrats do the next protest, I wouldn’t want to miss such a rare occurrence, and oh my… The cardboard are so creative…
Edit: If your first instinct about Israel officially announcing they will ethnically cleanse people was to ask a non question about why 1% of the american may have withhold their vote because of the Palestinian Genocide… Yet not considering Roe vs Wades, the hundreds of massacres sponsored by the US, the non action against the corrupted media owned by American Oligarchs and the corrupted and criminal enterprise which is the MAGA Movement than what went wrong in your thought process…
deleted by creator
The US speed running Genocide in new game+ while simultaneously helping his fellow israel achieving his own. Remarkable display of cooperation and integrity from the only and Best Super Ultra Democracies® in the World® people.
Everyone should be jealous about their achievements and successes around the World®, being so generous, they even graciously import Democracy® around the World® because they are the Best®!
Warning: This information may be dangerous. Any criticism is deemed terrorist activity. Failure to comply or supporting unapproved sports teams will result in deportation to Elon Musk’s Mars base and tariff put unto your family oxygen reserve
I wonder why an organization as extreme as Hamas could see the light of a day… Could it be because their people have been ethnically cleansed and put into ghettos, victimized by segregated laws, put into camps by the only “country” in the world that allow children to be put in prison without trial and probable cause?
You want to put the focus on “khamas” while literal children are being maimed and decapited, innocents getting raped, hospitals and schools being bombed from times much older than when Hamas was founded.
You do not care about women, you hate them and you are instrumentalizing their rights, or else you would be advocating for their right to live. Social progress comes after escaping the grasp of a genocidal entity.
Indeed, it was mostly my first reaction and I should have added more arguments as to why I was thinking this way, I guess the fact that I was answering what I deem a dishonest and low-effort deflection made me react this way.
Though, I did follow up on multiple instances in this comment section about my opinion on the matter and explained it.
Edit: My bad, It wasn’t on this particular post I did not pay enough attention on where I said what. If you are interested in my POV you can find it on my profile.
My sincere apologies mr causality for implying you were edgy, I know now that my words about you being edgy could be upsetting, I take them back.
Republicans are inherently anti-democracy since the civil war… How about acting on it rather than promoting decorum and false promises my friend? How about doing something? You guys act fast when it comes to swaying the blame away yet never offer any self reflection or any constructive criticism, it’s actually boring. On this thread I’ve been insulted twice just for stating some facts, may I remind you trumpster is president of the US?