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One possible group on Reddit to reach out to are the people doing /r/50501 - they’re organizing a large protest on Feb 5th, but it looks like a continuing resistance movement. They have more visibility on platforms outside of the Fediverse, but it’s only a matter of time before those platforms begin to throttle their visibility.
If they also grow a 50501 community on the Fediverse, when the throttling inevitably happens and the news pays attention to it, both their movement and the Fediverse will get a boost. They’ll probably lose their ability to organize on Reddit, but they will win more followers and help develop a better social media system.
If they promise not to link back to Reddit, I’d like to host them here.
My reply is to your first paragraph, where you imply the journalists were irresponsible for reporting an imminent ceasefire due to demands from Trump. Despite your expectations, the ceasefire appears to be going forward. You can quibble with the tone or narrative, but this was good journalism from a respected source. Your outrage is misdirected.
Your second paragraph is entirely in bad faith, as are your replies to me. There is no credible reading of the article that implies Trump is a seasoned statesman who will solve the Israel Palestine conflict. Netanyahu has given indirect support to Hamas as a wedge against Fatah before Oct 7th. The redirection of the conflict into the Fatah-controlled West Bank is consistent with his history of rewarding the most violent actors on both the Israel and Palestinian side. Agreement from Hamas to not substantially interfere in these West Bank incursions to the US and Israel may have been the secret sauce that led Netanyahu to accept the terms.
You are now shifting the goalposts to Trump solving the conflict entirely. No one thinks that will happen. I’m not impressed.
Since you’re obliquely inferring it, I don’t support Trump and neither does the Guardian. In Britain, “Guardian reader” is used to imply a stereotype of a person with modern progressive, left-wing or “politically correct” views.
I don’t expect journalists to report a version of reality that I like; that’s how I stay grounded and avoid getting trapped in a bubble where only some vast improbable conspiracy can explain why my assumptions about the world are constantly contradicted by reality.
Do you ever get tired of being profoundly wrong?
I love that TWRP is still making great music. I still have Starlight Brigade in rotation from before the pandemic.
Now is not the time for the climate movement to say “yes you’re right, those kids really are too disruptive, shame on them.” I’m not suggesting that people publicly support tactics they don’t approve of, but perhaps just…shut up once in a while? Let a protest tactic you don’t agree with slide now and again? Skip the op-ed about how the fringe climate radicals are turning people off? Leave the armchair criticism for another day?
This needs to be a Solarpunk copypasta.
Probably January 5th Capitol Riot defendants, unfortunately.
Andrewism is great.
When Alfredo Cospito kneecapped Roberto Adinolfi, Adinolfi yelled “I know who sent you!” as if they were professionals and he was expecting a hit from a rival. It’s not impossible, but Hollywood has produced enough assassin movies that 1) people know how to pull off a hit and 2) when others see the hit, they think “just like the movies, this guy is a professional”
That sounds like a really nice neighborhood to live in.
Thanks! Fixed the link.
Biome name ideas:
Yes, the Bandcamp page is endorsed by the Russian ABC. I’ve also linked the album here.
A reasonable criticism. Be the change you want to see in the world.
Yes, they are musicians from the band m6th. I’m not sure what the shirt refers to, but I think it means ‘helmsman’ and Lyubov’s version includes a chaos star in the form of a nautical wheel, which is fucking perfect.
Great find.
The primary thing you’re demonstrating through these updates is that you deeply misunderstand my politics, but are happy to assign me reductionist beliefs and motivations that I don’t hold.
All of this because you’re desperate to have a debate where you appear the victor. In lieu of me admitting defeat, you’ll accept that I stop responding as a sort of victory. Unlike you, I am not afraid of an ideological defeat, because it means I come away with a more nuanced view of the world. Winning or losing an argument is not an act of emotional endurance, but of careful listening and consideration.
But I can’t win or lose an argument against you. You only understand anarchism well enough to convince people with no concept of it that you do. You haven’t done any independent research despite the ease of finding anarchist writing on the internet, and you expect your intellectual adversaries to explain it to you. But even doing the work of explaining it to you is a waste of time, as you’ve demonstrated that you’ll twist their words just as you’ve added non-textual interpretations of this article, or turn it into a straw-man, like what you’ve done in your mind to me.
I’m not an anarchist out of ignorance of liberalism. I’ll all too aware of your beliefs and arguments, I held most of them at some point in my life, and I see little value in engaging with people who demonstrate bad faith who still hold those beliefs. The way you act toward people with socialist and anarchist politics online is toxic, and if you really do value healthy dialogue or debate, you should reconsider Lemmy as an appropriate space for you to participate in while you haven’t done the prerequisite work on yourself.