• 59 Posts
Joined 5 个月前
Cake day: 2024年5月1日


  • Thank you for pointing that out! Yes, if I’m correct in assuming, Trump serves more as a figurehead, primarily representing ideas gained from the Heritage Foundation. As you mentioned, this reflects the dynamics of the whole party.

    The issue spans both sides, in my experience. While the situation is drastically worse on the Republican side, we must consider that both sides lack true, meaningful political and leadership skills. Leaders today not only need to embrace knowledge of current political ideals but also integrate studies from fields such as psychology, developmental science, and environmental science.

    Furthermore, a leader must possess a level of empathy that is often hard to find. Currently, we tend to vote for candidates who are perceived as the best choices based on their long-standing presence in politics.

    Thank you so much for your insights on this article. It’s crucial to collaborate and raise awareness to build a better future for everyone.

  • We must consider the benefits of AI as such and how they can contribute to our life. I can assure you prices of such while AI may seem like a game or useless thing for others. It’s actually a useful tool able to help others understand complex concepts that most people have a hard time explaining or won’t. Many more things too.

  • You bring up valid concerns about infertility and uncontrolled mutations. While I’ve successfully applied fast-tracked evolutionary changes to others—like my partners and some friends—my current transformation is by far the most complex and scientifically controlled.

    Because of this, infertility isn’t a concern for me in this process. And, while this might sound a bit off, in today’s economy, I and many others might actually view infertility as a benefit rather than a drawback. I understand it’s an unusual perspective, but it reflects the practical concerns many face today.

    Unprofessional note I’d love to just be someone’s dog and be used anytime and that would take away risk from a lady.

  • I understand why you might assume I’m speculating, especially when these ideas seem detached from widely accepted scientific methods. However, the method I’ve developed allows for nearly any enhancement, and I have observed specific, measurable changes, such as:

    * Spinal Cord Adaptation: Throughout Year 2, the spinal cord began to stretch and lengthen, continuing this adaptation through Year 4. This adjustment provided the necessary structural support and flexibility to accommodate the forthcoming wings. The adaptation of the spinal cord was crucial for supporting the growing wings and ensuring proper alignment.
    • Kneecap and Rib Changes (Year 4):
      • Kneecap Modifications: Initially, the subject’s kneecaps were replaced by tendinous structures, which later regrew with increased strength and resilience. This change facilitated enhanced mobility and support for the wings.
      • Rib Modifications: The ribs demonstrated fusion and extension, contributing to structural changes essential for integrating the future wing structures. These modifications helped create a more stable framework necessary for wing deployment.

    These changes were not only noticeable to me but also documented by my medical team, making this much more than mere speculation.

    While I understand that this might seem like escapism, it’s important to note that these adaptations are not just alleviating my symptoms—they’re correcting and improving my overall condition by a factor of ten. This is demonstrated in my paper, Comprehensive Analysis of Progressive Wing Development and Associated Musculoskeletal Adaptations: A Four-Year Longitudinal Study, which outlines the gradual and logical changes in my biology.

    Although this may seem implausible now, many groundbreaking ideas were once considered impossible until methods were discovered to achieve them. My second paper, Adaptation and Change in Wing Development: An Evolutionary Perspective, supports the claims made in the first, correlating them to the observed growths.

    Remember, we are still pioneers—our greatest achievements aren’t behind us, but ahead of us!

  • This idea is really fascinating. I understand your assumption that, given the extensive divergence in evolution, if humans were to grow wings, they might resemble those of bats or squirrels. However, that’s why I emphasized the importance of detailing what you envision. While bat-like wings may be the most logical conclusion, the concept of fast-tracked evolution allows for a range of possibilities—wings with feathers, tails, horns—essentially anything you can imagine. With enough dedication and patience, nearly anything is achievable.

  • Yes, the first paper specifically correlates my developments with real-life evolutionary processes. It demonstrates how my concept of “Fast-Tracked Evolution,” while seemingly fantastical, is deeply rooted in biological and evolutionary principles—just on a grander scale that challenges conventional possibilities.

    As for why I pursue this, I would ask: why wouldn’t you try? If you’re living in a constant state of suffering, wouldn’t you seek a way to alleviate it? Isn’t that what life is about? Whether it’s striving for a better financial situation or seeking medical intervention for a health issue, the goal is to mitigate the negative impacts of our circumstances.

  • Ah, but these travels are not merely the footsteps of a wanderer, nor the path of a soul seeking its own reflection. No, they are threads spun from the web of existence itself—delicate, yet unbreakable, stretching like silver lines drawn across a boundless sky. Each mile, each horizon I chase, is a ripple in the great sea of being, where all things converge, unseen yet always felt. We are but whispers on the wind, shadows cast by the same flickering flame, dancing upon the stone of a world adrift in the vastness. What is the journey if not a bridge between us, a golden thread binding the mountains to the stars, the roots to the heavens?

    Once, I believed my wings were my own, formed by hands unseen, meant to carry only my weight. But like the tree that grows toward the sun, I have come to know that my rise is not mine alone. For in each feather lies the echo of a thousand voices, in each beat of my heart the murmur of rivers long forgotten. These gifts, once tightly held, are no longer bound by my grasp, for they are but reflections of the sky itself, meant to catch the light and scatter it to all who dwell in shadow.

    I fly not for the sake of height, nor for the beauty of the view, but to carry with me those who have forgotten the sky, to weave their dreams into the air. I am not the wind, but I am its song. Not the earth, but the echo of its call. I am the river, flowing both within and beyond, for we are all but travelers on this endless sea, and our course is written not in the stars, but in the hearts of those we touch.

  • Ahhh ok so let me paint a picture for you. They make a significant difference in quality of life for those who do need them. You are a senior student who inside normal buildings has to wear light protective glasses to be shielded from being in excoriating pain. Though you go home and have RGB strips. Then you keep those on 10-1% power mostly always on red. Allowing for the perfect calming light. That also promotes healthy and painless eyes. Then also benefits sleeping and just an overall sense of wellbeing.

    This is how I live.