• 6 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 25th, 2024


  • so the removal of bodily autonomy and forced birth is, what exactly?

    not something the rich support, basically every big corporation supports abortion


    I bring up Gen Z because they are the future of society, even their small vote was enough to turn the tide for Biden in 2020 and for the dems in 2022, the older generations that don’t support queer rights will be dead soon

    Lastly you accusing me of supporting the great replacement is a low blow, I am Turkish for your information and I am not to fond of white people. How was anything I said wrong ? The white population is declining is objectively true and I think that’s a good thing. White people do kill themselves a lot again that is just true white males have the highest suicide. You appeal to history a lot, what happens when white people try to oppose their will on POCs ? If never ends well. Look at Hati,Zimbabwe,South Africa and Africa more broadly,Ataturk kicking the whites out of Turkey and the Russo Japanese war.

  • I hate Trump, because I hate America as a whole and all of it’s leaders. Trump was just another American leader nothing special. He robs his people to fund a genocidal military that only exist to prop up the imperial core for the bourgeois.

    Also yes bad stuff has happened under Brexit mainly related to economy, but everyone say that immigration would be massively restricted. I saw some saying there would be genocides or large scale oppression of ethnic minorities in the UK. Not only has that not happened an ethnic minority currently rules the country.

    I admit maybe Bolsenaro was worst then I gave him credit for. I am not knowledgeable about Brazilian politics but Lula DeSilva seems to be doing great for his people and it doesn’t sound like Lula has to play a lot of damage control for Bolsenaro’s actions.

    Also what is racist about the image I posted ? It’s just a kid who happens to be black running from Alligators. I mention the kid’s race nowhere if he wasn’t black nothing would change about the image.

  • pride month (or the aspect of it you’re alluding to) is the perfect example of capitalists willing to do anything for a profit. The idea that capitalism favors queer people is beyond laughable.

    I see people say this a lot. You never see billionaires pander to white people even though they are the majority of America, you never see big brands pander to Christians even though there are more Christians then LGBT people in America.

    Also about population decline posing a threat for the capitalist future profits. One word


    Instead of trying to convince people to have kids you could easier bring people over on Visas. Kids take at least 18 years to become workers meanwhile an immigrant comes read to work. It would also mean you pay less taxes for schools.

    You seem to imply the rich are trying to cut people’s access to contraception l do not think this is true.


    Look at all the companies that cover the cost of (or at least the travel cost of) abortions. Basically every big company is on the list.

  • I don’t think that will ever happen at least not in America and countries in America’s sphere of influence.

    A lot of far right ideas are just to unpopular. Going back on feminism and having women be submissive ? That will never happen, LGBT rights ? 25% of Gen Z is queer they will never move that overtone window. Race ? White people are on the verge of extinction, they are losing bad. I think white people kill themselves more then they kill any minority. If they try anything rash they will just be hunted to extinction or kill themselves in shame.

  • I keep having people tell me about far right wins, I have one response

    But what did that do though ?

    You mentioned Trump, But what did that do though ? He lost in 2020 and didn’t become a dictator like everyone said he would, he didn’t deport anybody he didn’t build a wall he didn’t start any new wars.Nothing changed.

    you mentioned Brexit, But what did that do though ? Immigration to the UK (which was the big issue that brexit supporters cared about) has only increased and the UK still follows the same EUCHR laws that stop them from turning away asylum seekers or deporting people to unsafe countries.

    Bolsenaro ? But what did that do though ? He lost and has only made the Brazilian left more powerful.

    I will rattle off some more examples of far right wins

    The election of Giorgi Meloni in Italy, But what did that do though ? Immigration has only gone up and nothing has changed.

    Gert Wilders In the Netherlands, But what did that do though ? Same story as Meloni immigration hasn’t changed, LGBT+ hasn’t changed nothing has changed.

    The reason why nothing changed circles back to the point of this post. The reason nothing changed is because the elite capitalist don’t want anything to change. They don’t for example immigration to be reduced because it means less workers and less consumers. Trump,Bolsenaro,Wilders and Meloni don’t matter it is the Bourgeois that matter. They have all the power. Getting worked up over these “far right victories” is needless anguish as they mea nothing

  • The establishment doesn’t want fascism, at least not fascism as it was implemented in Germany,Italy and Spain. They want to maintain the status quo so they can continue extracting surplus value from the workers.

    IIRC Jeff Bezos said that he bought the neolib Washington post for the soul purpose of opposing Trump and the rise of the far right.

    There are just to many contradictions between what the fascist want and what the capitalist want.

    I named a few above but I will name another. Immigration, fascist oppose immigration a long racial lines/lines of national identity and tradition. The Rich support immigration because it means more workers so they lower wages and it means more consumers to buy their product. From a capitalist perspective there are no downsides to immigration.

  • I disagree a little, a lot of what the far right advocates for are contradicted by the current capitalist structure that rules the world.

    Tradition for one, a lot of traditions are simply incompatible with capitalism, for example you are technically not supposed to have your business open on Sundays if you are a Christian, but Christians have stopped doing this because if they just didn’t open on one day of the week they would get completed by the secular business that did.

    Having a woman stay home and support the family, having women not work makes no sense from the perspective of the capitalist class

    Having children to begin with in a capitalist system having kids makes no sense, they cost so much money to raise and you won’t be able to see them because you have to work for your rich overlords

    the far right wants to purge LGBT+ people, LGBT+ are over represented among the capitalist class and even the ones who are not LGBT+ still support the movement just look at pride month