Scientists at Princeton University have developed an AI model that can predict and prevent plasma instabilities, a major hurdle in achieving practical fusion energy.

Key points:

  • Problem: Plasma escaping containment in donut-shaped tokamak reactors disrupts fusion reactions and damages equipment.
  • Solution: AI model predicts instabilities 300 milliseconds before they happen, allowing for adjustments to keep plasma contained.
  • Significance: This is the first time AI has been used to proactively prevent tearing instabilities in fusion experiments.
  • Future: Researchers hope to refine the model for other reactors and optimize fusion reactions.
  • Ekky
    7 months ago

    AI is a very broad term, ranging from physical AI (material and properties of a robotic grabbing tool) to AI (as seen in many games, or in a robotic arm to calculate path from current position to target position) and to MLAI (LLM, neural nets in general, KNN, etc.).

    I guess it’s much the same as asking “are vehicles bad?”. I don’t know, are we talking horse carriages? Cars? Planes? Electric scooters? Skateboards?

    Going back to your question, AI in general is not bad, though LLMs have become too popular too quick and have thus ended up being misunderstood and misused. So you can indeed say that LLMs are bad, at least when not used for their intended purposes.