I’ve already read and voted on that post. It did give me a rather negative view of the buyeuropean mods, but i still think their work is commendable. If nothing else, then at least for running the community.
Im not very appreciative of your attempts to trap me using loaded questions. When have I ever mentioned America? I’m pretty sure that I have only ever argued for a EU-only community, and not a “EU+everyone except other non-EU european countries” community. Are european countries favorable compared to the USA? Of course they are! But that’s not what I’m arguing in the first place, so please let’s keep on topic.
Looking at this comms name, I’m rather sure that the rules are meant to be european (union), which, sadly, might be an error similar to those from the USA wrongfully calling their country “America”.
Regarding CM’s online status, I checked that they: made the account, made a few posts, made the comm, and the went offline. Likely someone testing out the waters and unlikely to return. In other words: This community does indeed have a dark future and should be evacuated.
Now, regarding why I’d want a EU-only community which does not encompass the UK, Norway, Switzerland, etc.: I want goods that I know adhere to EU standards (not russian, not Norwegian, not UK), and/or which are shipped from inside the EU (eg. not russian, not Norwegian, not UK, not even the USA (???)) so I don’t have to pay that stupid import handling fee of 25€ for my 2€ pack of chinese assorted transistors shipped from the UK.
In other words: I’m not attacking the existential rights of the ‘buyeuropean’ community - I think that community is great when looking for european goods - but I’m instead looking for a community specific to the EU. Again, not a community for EU+USA, not a “russia and friends”, not a “buyworldwide”, but a “buyfromEU”.
At last I’d like to apologize, for if this didn’t make my stance clear, then I’m unsure how to convey it to you.
Fine, in that case i propose we make another community for those of us who want EU goods, so we don’t confuse them with european goods. Happy?
That might be, but it is not specific to the EU, and therefore not relevant to those of us looking for EU goods.
Or !buyfromeu@feddit.org if you want to make sure they adhere to EU laws.
Lol, never mind, that’s where you posted it in the first place. Nice to see that the community is already gaining traction. :P
The Deck is a pretty nefty device. I used it for half a year as a daily driver, which included everything from gaming to light embedded development. I’ve also used it as a ground control station when flying my legacy drones, or as a relay for my main rig when tinkering on unhandy equipment (such as accessing my cars OBDII from the warm living room).
I’ve also tinkered with secured storage on the Deck, but found that LUKS needs the Deck to be unlocked (note: All of the above can be done without disabling the read-only system). I found a somewhat functional workaround using rwfus, which makes an overlay on top of the read-only system, on which I then can install packages such as veracrypt. I also tried NIX to this end, but found it to be way too much work to learn to use proper for my usecase.
And while not really anything mind-bending: I’ll be spending the next few days in our summerhouse with my sister to celebrate ‘Fastelavn’, where I expect to bring my Deck and a Steam Controller for some evening Kingdom 80’s co-op.
“Is this ‘Critical Error’ the reason for the crash, or just another ill-labeled exception?”
I love WINE and it’s forks, but man, how can any program produce so many errors during optimal operation? (A rhetorical question, as I believe we all know the tragicomedic reason being Microsoft)
As a scandi Iv’e been leaning more into ‘enginks’ - close to ‘engangs’ and french kinks.
deleted by creator
Is that in relation to DHT? Never got quite into it, but if you’re using a tracker then I’d imagine the tracker would handle the peer2peer reverse NAT problem.
I was really sceptical before watching the movie, but it really just feels like a group of friends telling you about their last campaign.
I’d keep it. People can subscribe to both, and I often find myself looking for goods in EU stores (aka. not UK, sadly) so I don’t have to pay ~30€ handling fee + tax. I know that OSS exists, but it’s rarely apparent whether any given online store uses it.
!buyfromeu@feddit.org for those who would like to subscribe the community.
I mean, the more common name is “24-hour clock”, ISO8601 is the standard defining it. Just like it (finally?) has become commonplace to just say “WiFi 6” instead of saying " IEEE 802.11ax".
We’re living in 2025, civilization is globalized, most of the world has easy access to electricity and can work even during night. We don’t need two separate 12-hour cycles to separate daytime and nighttime for <insert your local area>. Let’s move on and use a proper time format.
And a personal pet peeve, please never call it “military time” - that illogical and ugly bastardization of ISO8601.
Or slightly different:
Får får får? Får får ej får, for får får lam.
Selvom det ikke er helt vedtaget endnu, så er det dejligt at der potentielt endelig eksisterer en måde at få anti-encryption control-freaks’ene til at holde kæft om CSAM argumentet mod sikkerhed og privatliv.
De skal sikkert finde på andre undskyldninger til, hvorfor sikkerhed og privatlivsfred skal afskaffes, men med lidt held vil de ikke længere misbruge vore børn til det formål. Og måske vil vi endda endeligt kunne frigøre nogle resourcer til rent faktisk at gå efter misbrugerne, og ikke den almindelige borger.
Polen er nu kommet med et nyt CSAM-forslag, der skal gøre det frivilligt om udbydere vil screene beskeder for børnemisbrugsmateriale.
Skal kampen for bedre at sikre børn mod deling af misbrugsmateriale veje højere end den almene befolknings ret til privatliv?
Det bliver lige nu diskuteret i EU. Her har et mindretal af lande i længere tid blokeret for et forslag, hvor chattjenester bliver pålagt at screene beskeder for såkaldt CSAM-materiale.
Efter to et halvt år med tovtrækkeri har Polen, der har EU-formandskabet i øjeblikket, fremsat et nyt revurderet forslag med fokus på frivillighed.
Ved det seneste rådsmøde i december 2024 var blandt andet Polen selv imod forslaget. Beslutter de sig for at godkende, og alle andre beholder deres nuværende position, vil forslaget gå videre i processen.
I det nye forslag fra det polske EU-formandskab er end-to-end blevet undtaget, hvilket betyder, at brugere kan sende beskeder i fred.
Dette er Jesper Lund, formand for IT-Politisk Forening, tilfreds med.
Han er en af underskriverne bag et brev til justitsministeren, der understreger, at den masseovervågning, CSAM lægger op til, er ude af proportioner og underminerer befolkningens ret til privatliv.
Det Dataetiske Råd har tidligere problematiseret, at EU ville screene alle borgeres private beskeder. Formand for Det Dataetiske Råd, Johan Busse, fortæller til Radar, at man er tilfreds med, at det nye forsalg ikke inkluderer end-to-end krypteringer.
Polen har selv oplevet, hvordan brydning af krypterede tekster kan ramme landet hårdt. Det skete, da det tidligere regeringsparti PIS brugte hacker-softwaren Pegasus til at bryde ind i højesteretsdommeres og oppositionsmedlemmer kommunikation. Og Sovjet-fortiden spøger desuden også i baggrunden.
Udover udelukkelsen af de krypterede beskeder lægger Polen vægt på, at det skal være en frivillig samarbejdsordning mellem EU og beskedtjenesterne, hvor det tidligere har været påkrævet, at de skulle indføre screeningen. Mød en af verdens førende bioteknologer: Vi skal blive meget bedre til at udnytte affald og sidestrømme
Da Polen modsagde det tidligere forslag, lagde de også vægt på, at man tidligere havde oplevet på tæt hold, hvad det betyder, hvis krypteringer brydes.
CSAM er blevet diskuteret på både europæisk og nationalt plan, efter at tidligere kommissær for indenrigsanliggender, Ylva Johansson, gik i kamp mod børnemisbrugsmateriale og grooming i 2022 med CSAM-fordringen.
Som en del af CSAM blev det foreslået at indføre såkaldt chatkontrol, der skulle pålægge beskedtjenester og teleudbydere at scanne for misbrugsmateriale som et centralt våben mod bagmændene.
Men da flere nationer mente, at chatkontrollen brød mod centrale privatlivsrettigheder, stemte de imod forslaget.
Især at forslaget lagde op til, at end-to-end-krypterede beskeder også skulle screenes, faldt mange for brystet.
Dette er blevet gjort op med i det nye forslag, og det skal diskuteres i Det Europæiske Råd i midten af juni i år. Stemmes det igennem, skal det videre til trilogforhandlingerne mellem Rådet, Parlamentet og Kommissionen.
I tried installing Matrix with the Element web interface a few days past, and was positively surprised by the VoIP and screenshare.
I always thought that Matrix was this dusty old legacy from times long forgotten, but once the images were spun up and the reverse proxy configured, it didn’t take long to setup a small test community and invite a friend.
There’s a beta option to enable screenshare in a room, but we found that you can screenshare in any voice room despite the setting. We only tested with simple visuals like videos and text documents, where we got small amounts of artifacting, so I’m not sure about the compression and throughput, but I hope it’ll be enough for gaming.