The one time i remember was when there was a cinterella parody on the gay community where instead of shoes it was a dildo (i can’t link the post because i didn’t have an account then but if someone can feel free to for whatever reason ) , and some 196 posts etc. do this too but the posts are beside the point the point is like i get it lighthearted fun. but i guess it could be better for lemmy overall if they do mark things like that. Anyway what are your thoughts ?
I think that NSFW would work better as a scale than as a single tag. That would also allow users to set the boundary on what they feel comfortable with, for example someone might not mind some artistic nudity but doesn’t want see HC porn.
Sadly, my idea breaks on one aspect: good luck having people consistent and accurately using the scale. Specially in an environment full of redditors.
I like your idea .
EDIT : Also we can solve the problem by removing posts that are not properly tagged.
While posts not properly tagged can be removed, it’s still yet another thing that could discourage engagement, if done poorly.
But perhaps introducing it gradually would solve this? At first just an additional degree (SFW vs. mild NSFW vs. hard NSFW), then gradually expanding it, just as much as necessary, and as the userbase gets used to it. (I think that five degrees or so should be enough.)
The scale could just have a name for each level
I don’t think there needs to be scale as the tag serves as an initial protection and should cover everything that’s NSFW. The viewer can see themselves whether it’s artistic nudity or pornography but the moment the post first comes up on their screen the tag ensures they and people around them don’t see it at that instant.
I don’t really post anything NSFW but I think it’s pretty simple criterion. Tag as NSFW if you wouldn’t like your boss see you looking at that post on your coffee break.
But of course you can’t really trust everyone to tag their posts properly and there are occasional spammers who leave the tag out on purpose. Also the app I use has bug in settings implementation so I don’t even use the NSFW filter anymore. That’s the reality in Lemmy. Just have to live with it.
The tag fulfils two roles in Lemmy. One is what you described as “initial protection”; but I think that the issue here is its second role, as a content filter - some people don’t want to see porn or gore at all, so they uncheck the “Show NSFW content” box in the Settings, so they don’t see anything tagged NSFW, even if they would be otherwise OK with milder content (as the “dildo shoes” from the OP).
And plenty posters know that others do it. So if you’re sharing something only weakly NSFW, you’re actually discouraged from using the NSFW tag, as it would decrease the visibility of your post.
I believe that a scale would solve it, provided that people use it consistent and accurately. My concern is if they would use it right.
I think that the issue here is its second role
And that’s why it’s an issue in the first place because one tool is used for two different purposes. If NSFW tag was used only for it’s intended purpose then using it would be straightforward.
Of course content filtering would be useful feature too but I think it should be a separate thing. In the app I use there’s an option to blur the NSFW pictures. That would be useless option if you don’t want to see the picture at all.
Regardless of the original purpose, or how the issue came to be, both roles are used and desirable nowadays. The hiding feature could be assigned to a second tag, but at this rate the situation becomes more complex than a simple scale.
And a smart interface could handle both options together. Perhaps something like this:
At least from a browser this would work nicely. Not sure on phone applications.
There should be a distinction between NSFW and NSFL as well. There is a huge difference between NSFW softcore and NSFW someone’s hand being degloved. (Do not google that)
My grandpa described the experience of degloving one of his fingers back in the day because he wore his wedding ring while working on a big rig
It stuck with me for decades
And people ask me why I insist that no one has any rings or jewelry of any kind on when we work, I give them the detailed story
TLDR: It’s bad yo
So many people have NSFW stuff blocked completely (so it doesn’t even show a post) so your post will get less views/traction if you mark it as such.
Therefore a lot of borderline ones don’t get tagged
deleted by creator
Everyone’s view of what is NSFW is different