I’m moving my posts from Reddit to Lemmy before delete them.
This post is from 2019-12-29. I was using my netbook as a typewriter at that time (currently a pi-hole server) and still love this rice to this day. (This one also doesn’t have dotfiles since I cannot the reach the website.)
Wow, amazing. Definetely a light theme that i would use. Really aestethic and cohesive. Maybe Will try to reach something like It someday.
Btw, i have a N150P too i run Void with i3wm+i3blocks+rofi. Love the small machines, i use It to college works and study in general. It still has a battery that holds about 2 hours of reading or text editing.
Thanks. This was one of my all times favourite rice. I use dark themes almost everywhere but for writing a light theme felt right.
It’s nice that it still works but I guess the battery is kinda end of its life if it only goes for 2 hours. :) Also, Void rocks.