
I’ve made a simple source bot and named it Soutaku. The account is @saucechan@ani.social. It can be summoned with a mention, either by the author of a post in the post body itself, or anyone in the comments.

Consider this a beta, functionality is extremely simple so there’s not a lot that can go wrong, but I’ve also not done much testing.

Mentions should work reliably, and make the bot respond no matter what. But Soutaku will also attempt to detect posts that do not include source or artist credit, and comment on these automatically.

Only images linked in the post URL currently work, so trying to summon the bot to find the source for images embedded in the post body or in a comment, won’t work. For now.

I have whitelisted Soutaku for the following communities, feel free to contact me if you’d like any additional communities added.

  • wjs018@ani.social
    10 months ago

    I just tried out saucenao for a handful of visual posts from both communities and nothing was found. Do you have code published anywhere? I would need to figure out how to interface with lemmy to listen in on comments before I could make a links bot. I am not a dev by trade, so I usually heavily rely on existing code as a starting point.

        • MentalEdgeOP
          10 months ago

          Then you are familiar.

          Mentions are the easiest thing to implement, as you can pull unreads and mark them read as you go, and thereby do away with the issue of only responding to new items, and only doing so once.

          But you can also use the comment.list endpoint to just pull a feed of comments the same way you would a list of posts. But comments can’t be marked read, so you’ll need to have the bot keep track of what it has already processed.