I’m happy I found put I was bi. Explained a lot. Don’t like biphobes and bigots tho

  • bicripple@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Figuring out that I’m intersex explained a lot for me and gave me a way to make sense of traumatic things from my pubescent years. Meeting people with similar experiences, even though they are traumatic experiences, was something very joyful for realizing I was not alone nor a weird freak.

    Learning the term ipsogender was also a joyful thing for me since gave me a way to articulate that even though I agree with my assigned gender I have a lot of baggage about it and honestly relate more to trans people than to cis people.

    (I’m also bi but I figured that out at an early age, my parents were reasonably supportive, and it wasn’t the same kind of galaxybrain process for me as figuring out sex/gender.)