The book series undying mercenaries has fun with this. When a soldier dies, they can just print a new one, with most of the memories of the old one. They also hold a pattern of the body, so you come out the age you last updated your scan. There are a few quirks of galactic law involved. Most critical is only 1 copy is ever allowed at a time. Being caught breaking this law is grounds for summary execution (species/planetary, not individual).
Nothing quite like calling for an evac, after winning a battle, only to have a friendly missile drop from orbit to vaporise you (and so can be printed out back on the ship). Shuttles are slower and more expensive.
side effect: memory loss since last transport
New game mode unlocked: Lemmings!
The book series undying mercenaries has fun with this. When a soldier dies, they can just print a new one, with most of the memories of the old one. They also hold a pattern of the body, so you come out the age you last updated your scan. There are a few quirks of galactic law involved. Most critical is only 1 copy is ever allowed at a time. Being caught breaking this law is grounds for summary execution (species/planetary, not individual).
Nothing quite like calling for an evac, after winning a battle, only to have a friendly missile drop from orbit to vaporise you (and so can be printed out back on the ship). Shuttles are slower and more expensive.
Oh no!