It’s over and has won with their beakie, customized Oldhammer style Ultramarine!
I have one of those warhammer heroes models, not sure sure which paint I might need for the base however
(soz for photo’s rotation)
While I’m tempted to join & picking up a Hexmark later today, I’m not sure if I can stomach looking at easter themed pew-pew-boi in my army :D
Easter theming is encouraged but entirely optional.
Oh crap, I look waaaaaay too rarely in this community. Almost missed the competition. Don’t have anything easter (or egg) themed ready to go, but I’ll do something I have been meaning to paint for quite a while. Hope I’ll manage to finish it in time. Will edit it in this commen then.
Edit: Here he is!
I call him
Malum CaedoPhaulius Adnihilo.Did it! Barely in time (I think) but I did it.
I’m doing my best. Got roped in to help a friend move. I should have all day friday to paint though. T.T