This one isn’t in plaintext this time. I learned from last time that there are issues displaying plaintext on a phone, where there isn’t any guarantee of 80 available columns. I thought that wasn’t a tall order, but it turns out, it is.

Also, I really wanted links.

And I’m sorry I was so late in posting this. I have trouble finishing things…

  • etuomaalaOP
    1 year ago

    Fun fact: Most of them aren’t welded. They form the whole thing out of a single sheet of stainless steel with humongous presses and forms. I’m not too familiar on how the manufacturing process really works, but welding isn’t one of the steps they (usually) take.

    You know, I was wondering about that, but then I thought, naaaawwww, they’d never do it that way! That would require an elaborate system of humongous presses and forms!