I am looking forward to the blood bond rework. I feel like grinding out 5 days of successful extractions is not a great system right now. Losing the accolade is unfortunate, but because it is cosmetic only now it makes more sense.
What are your thoughts?
Basically, you’ve got it right, they’re removing the 25 after 5 days in a row, and removing the per-game blood bond rewards (golden cash registers remain unchanged).
They’re doubling the weekly challenge rewards, so you can get 50 instead of 25 from weekly challenges (10 per blood bond reward step instead of 5 per).
I’m actually largely pro this change as well despite it being controversial. I think reducing the need for daily play is a good thing, in my mind, it’s better to be able to get 50 over a few sporadic days of play than requiring 1 game everyday for 5 days.
The “accolades” (post mission blood bonds) I’m kind of sad to see go, but I understand Crytek has blood bonds as a premium currency and wants more people to actually pay for the paid cosmetics.
I agree. Also what you lose from the accolades you get back by not needing to spend to remove perks and clean weapons. Seems pretty balanced to me