Anyone else prefer an alternative app or front end for browsing f-droid ? I personally use Droid-ify for the more modern layout.
Droidify for myself also
I’m a fan of Neo Store.
I prefer Foxy Droid for it’s simple UI.
Droidify user here as well. The last update really made it stand out.
Neo Store, every other frontend has some issues with my phone. They also have Neo Launcher, which seems to be the most promising foss launcher, and a few other Neo apps.
I use drodify. For UI and shizuku. Only wish is if auto updates could work.
I also use obtanium. Gets updates direct from GitHub release, handy if an app you want doesn’t have a fdroid repo or you want faster updates.
Droid-ify user here too
I like Droid-ify too, I think it has the nicest interface of all the F-Droid clients.
I use Neo-Store, it’s a fork of Droid-ify