This is a rant post and I apologize but I had to talk about this. Most subs are coming back online and not saying ANYTHING about the next steps. Only a handful of subs are going indefinite. I checked the front page for the first time today after leaving the a couple hours before the day of the blackout and what do I see? Subs are up, and comments and upvotes are up to the general average before the blackout.

I checked r/gaming to see their recent post (WHICH HAS OVER 68k UPVOTES), and I see a comment with over 500 upvotes saying in a nutshell, “You guys need to calm down, they’re a company and need to make money”.

Along with a couple other comments saying similar things. Are you fucking serious? You can’t even have the fucking balls to say, “This is a company that has consistently screwed over its users and I need to take a stand and quit my addiction”? You’re just gonna sit and do nothing? Fuck you. You’re no fucking better than u/spez. You’re all a bunch of fucking hypocritical liars for shitting on spez and the admins while talking about how you’re “done” with Reddit and you won’t support this.

Go touch grass you fucking addicted cowards. I’m glad I made the switch to Lemmy if it means I don’t have to interact with dumbfucks like you.

  • ★Luma★
    1 year ago

    Yep, free world all right. Lets ignore rules, laws, morals and ethics…

    The universe is a free place to do anything. Luckily, most people have an aligned set of values with truth, love, empathy, and they want to fight for that against not just Reddit but various other entities that have made it very clear they don’t care about those things.

    Not caring about your fellow man to me feels like the antithesis of society. Heck in this day and age where it’s so convenient to exist, it feels weird that you wouldn’t care about others and trying to maintain what we have. That directly correlates to what you have, even if you think you have plenty now.

    I have much to learn, but it seems more like you’re misunderstanding something unless I’ve missed some heavy sarcasm.