Just a working list - feel free to add to it. I realize that some of these might already exist, and I just missed them. Here’s what I’ve got so far:

  • Book suggestions
  • Obscure Media
  • New England
  • Massachusetts
  • separate communities for every other state too
  • Mildly interesting
  • Antiwork
  • Anti-Amazon
  • buy it for life
  • jay@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Some of the ones I’ll be looking for replacements for:

    • 3d6, or equivalent discussion of DND/RPG builds and mechanics.

    • something like AskHistorians, which I know will be hard to replace considering the verification and moderation around it.

    • local city subreddits, I really liked having one for my home town or places I might visit.

    • honestly, I could see Chat taking the place of something like AskReddit.