I really hope more developers start to speak up against injustices at their companies.

  • datendefekt@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    We have a similar issue at our company. We’re around 140 employees and an IT department with 7 devs and 4 admins. As it so happens, our head of IT is retiring, and his designated replacement is generally disliked by all the devs.

    We officially complained to HR and the CEO that the new guy spent 20 years working alone, has no IT qualifications, and has repeatedly ignored our processes and pressured devs to get them to do what he wants. The response? The decision has been made, accept it or resign. Now that two devs sent in their resignations on the same day, HR is scrambling to fix the situation but making everything worse. All the while, the current and new head of IT are dismantling our agile processes, outsourcing, and installing rigid communication structures.

    Our department went from being the one with the most employee turnaround a few years ago to being the department with the highest employee satisfaction. Everyone is frustrated beyond words and are looking for new jobs. The way things are going, the company won’t have IT by the end of the year.


    Oh, and I forgot to mention that the new head of IT has repeatedly lied in meetings, strategically withheld information and pressured employees to sign faked timesheets. He disregards recommendations from internal IT, and badmouths his own coworkers in front of customers. All in all, a simply admirable character.

    • datendefekt@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      I have to excuse myself - I read into the issue yesterday and realized that I can’t really compare our situation with the one at Basecamp. Sorry for letting off some steam.