New Zealand’s new prime minister plans to ban cellphone use in schools and repeal tobacco controls in the ambitious agenda he released Wednesday for his first 100 days in office.

Christopher Luxon outlined 49 actions he said his conservative government intended to take over the next three months.

The first new law he planned to pass would narrow the central bank’s mandate to focus purely on keeping inflation in check, he said. That would change the Reserve Bank’s current dual focus on low inflation and high employment.

Many of the actions in the 100-day plan involve repealing initiatives from the previous liberal government, which had been in office for six years. The new efforts include a plan to double renewable energy production.

    10 months ago

    You know how it goes: everything is OK, but this guy says it’s not and uses a ton of scary buzz words.

    Give it a couple of years and a jump in cancer rates, and he’ll use even more scary buzz words to get elected again. Then, women’s and minorority rights start to disappear, and everyone is angry at each other.