I am out of ideas what should I try to brew. I decided on some kind of ale with friends (they want to learn how to brew) but don’t know what exactly should I try. Do you have some interesting recipies or some interesting ingredients what should I try. Thanks
I sometimes browse the brewdog catalogue for ideas and then add my own tweaks. Since your friends want to learn, I’d say do something simple for this. One of my early experiments was based on their skull candy. For making things interesting, fermenting with kveik is pretty fun and surprisingly fast. That yeast is a monster. I like the Opshaug kveik, it results in a pretty clean and fruity flavor. Note that kveik needs pretty high temperatures.
agreed with the DIY dog. my best stout comes from just modifying one of their recipes (I forget which one, can look it up later when I get home)
I was actually planning on doing a sort of funky brew, will post it once I get it going. my plan so far is to make some malt cakes and put them on a charcoal grill. I’d only be using pale malt for this, so hoping to get some smoky and caramel flavours. maybe like about 15-20% of the pale malt gets treated in this way and then broken up and mashed together with the rest of the grain bill
not fully set on the logistics just yet
I’ve also bought some Tonka beans from the shop the other day and I’d like to try them in a (different beer than the grilled one) non stout and see where it leads, maybe with some cardamom
Thanks I brew about 6 y and almost always lager style beers. But for summer it is better to brew ale styles.
My friend is more in fruity flavours and interesting combinations so he wanted to make some sour beer, which I am not bigges fan of.
Kveik sounds as good middle ground.
Whatever you like to drink is the stock answer of course but I would pick a pale ale because they are pretty forgiving. Or if you are somewhere hot, like I am, a saison to lean into it.
edited to say as you are trying to show someone new and success is so motivating
if you want to experiment with something more unusual I totally understand, i’d like to take another crack at a gose. the first time I tried it came out undrinkably salty
I decided on Belgian golden ale, I couldn’t find Kveik yeasts but found some Belgian style ale yeasts.