• Tamlyn
    126 months ago

    I’m so exited for the concert, who else has a ticket?

  • rem26_art
    66 months ago

    man Nier Automata is still one of the most engrossing games I’ve played in a really long time. So good.

    • MentalEdgeOPM
      66 months ago

      The whole alphabet or just ABCDE?

      My sister played on my machine and apparently sacrificing your save also deletes saves in other slots, so she sacrificed my incomplete run along with her E ending…

      • @iHUNTcriminals@lemm.ee
        56 months ago

        Oh. Definitely just the basic game… Since I didn’t even know what you’re talking about. Lol

        I usually play games for like a week and never touch them again. This game actually held my attention. Very few have done that.

        I think the only other game I beat in the past 15 years is Mario Odyssey. (Just the basic play through.)

        • MentalEdgeOPM
          6 months ago

          If you have only played the “basic game” then you have only seen roughly 30% of what Nier: Automata has to offer.

          “A” Refers to the first play-through, the one you play as 2B.

          “B” Refers to the second play-through, where you play as 9S. 9S sees and learns things 2B didn’t, showing you the world of the game in a new light. Essentially, there’s a lot more story that happened during the time 9S and 2B were separated. He also has different combat mechanics to 2B.

          “C” Refers to the third “play-through”, which is actually just a straight up sequel to the main game that continues the story past where it ends in A and B. In C you play as 2B, 9S, and a bit as A2.

          “D” and “E” refer to the two different endings you get depending on who you side with at the end of C. Getting these five endings leads to the true final ending, where you fight the credits with the help of other people who have received this ending. Achieving this ending allows you to sacrifice your save and become one of the people helping new players achieve the super-difficult final true ending. The game will actually, for real, delete everything, if you choose to do this, but it is widely considered part of 100%ing the game.

          The remaining endings “F” through “Z” are joke endings, the ones where the credits roll past really fast and you reload a save, because you found some dumb way to die. Like eating a mackerel or uninstalling your OS chip.

          • @tabris@lemmy.world
            46 months ago

            Slight point: C/D are the two endings to part 3, depending on which character you end the story with, and E being a final ending after completing both C and D.

        • Tamlyn
          46 months ago

          If you dont know what MetalEdge means, you have probably only ending A. The weird thing about that game is, ending B is more or less the first part of the game again, just with 9S instead of 2B. But there is more story after that with ending C and D.

            • MentalEdgeOPM
              36 months ago

              Nier: Replicant shares this multi-play-through story structure with Automata, but with only two endings. You can really only get the full story in these games if you play them many times, because things will change in both subtle and very drastic ways, each time.

              • VaultBoyNewVegas
                26 months ago

                Plus replicants ending e is completely new to that version to tie into automata more directly.

      • Tamlyn
        26 months ago

        For me the whole alphabet + dlc ending + playstation platinum tophee. But not 100% collection these data things…