• crapwittyname@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I can accept it if I’m shown evidence. I’m a scientist, I need data and a sound hypothesis to change my mind. I don’t care about personal experience or lived truth when I’m trying to find objective truth.
    If you’d like to sum up my reply as three words, that’s up to you. If you want to believe that I’m taken by propaganda, that’s fine too, but it’s more than a little bit intellectually lazy. There are laws that define war crimes. In my reading of them, and many others’, there is between little and no room for the evidence we’ve seen to amount to anything other than a war crime. At least a huge amount of compelling evidence the other way would be needed to exonerate. Take for example the footage we’ve seen of entire square kilometers of Gaza completely flattened by building. There we have evidence of the war crime of targeting civilian infrastructure except if there’s also evidence that all of it was a Hamas base. Now, it seems unlikely that this is possible, unless everyone in Gaza is a member of Hamas. Another extraordinary claim which would require extraordinary evidence to be borne out.

    In general, my view on the situation in Israel has been that there are no good guys. In recent days, though, I’m watching a democratic state ally of my country committing horrific crimes against humanity, with weapons provided by my country and other allies. Hamas never had my support. Netenyahu’s Israel has lost it.