I’ve used VS Code for a long time, but have recently grown weary of Microsoft’s approach to OSS. I’ve checked out VS Codium which seems like it might be a great option.

What text editor are you using?

  • marmulak@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Depends on the use case. I used to think nano was stupid too until I tried to use it for real, and I realized that it is among the best designed editors I’ve ever used. Yes, it is more simple and don’t offer all the functionality of vim. It might be able to do a couple things vim can’t, but I would have to double check on that. (Like emacs, nano can re-wrap hard-wrapped text to a specific width, which I’m not sure is easy to do in vim.)

    For certain edits or tasks, vim might end up being more trouble than it’s worth.