


About 50 Russian military personnel who were taken yesterday from an illegal camp for refuseniks in the “LPR” are currently being held at the “Inns” military training ground in the Kursk region.

They are threatened that today, October 24, everyone will be sent to Rostov, and from there to an assault near Avdeevka

About 50 Russian military personnel were taken out of a camp for refuseniks in Rassypny “LPR” after a visit from one of the lawyers, who came directly to the camp. He himself told ASTRA about this; we do not give the lawyer’s name for the sake of his safety.

“At first I went to Zaitsevo, but there was no one in Zaitsevo, and I found out that they were being held in Rassypnoye. I drove up to the building, it looked like a school building. I went straight to the fence. A military man looked out from behind the fence. I walked up, knocked, and showed my lawyer’s ID. I told him: I know for sure that my clients are here, I want to talk to them, he didn’t even look. He says “wait” and leaves. He came and said: “There’s no one here.” I ask: what are you doing here with weapons then? He repeated again: “there is no one here and leave here.”

After this visit, those detained in the camp began to be taken out of it, relatives of the military told ASTRA about this. Yesterday they were taken to the Kursk region, placing them at the Inns training ground.

“According to my son, they will be formed into assault troops. The guys are dirty, not dressed, morally depressed. They don’t know what to do,” the father of mobilized military unit 31134 told ASTRA.

“My husband is mobilized, he refused to go on the attack on Makeyevka. They were placed in Zaitsevo. Then, apparently, there was a check and they were driven around for 9 hours and returned back to the “LPR”. Today he managed to call from someone else’s number. They are near Kursk, waiting for a car to Rostov. As I understand it, from there the plane will be in the direction of Avdeevka. He said that they called the prosecutor’s office, but they were told: an order is an order. The local military police are threatening the riot police that they will still go to the front, but already beaten,” the wife of one of the military men told ASTRA.

ASTRA previously wrote that at least 173 Russian military personnel were placed in illegal camps for refuseniks in the occupied territories of Ukraine over the past 10 days. In total, we have already found 16 such places.




‼️ More than 30 military men who were taken to Voronezh refuse to board the plane to Rostov. From there they should be sent to Avdeevka

“We are standing here, they offer us to take some kind of weapon, not ours at all, old, used. We refuse, we will not board the plane. We are waiting for the military prosecutor’s office,” - one of the military men stationed at the Baltimore airfield in Voronezh told ASTRA.

According to him, they plan to send military conscientious objectors to Rostov, and from there to an assault near Avdeevka. Previously, they were kept in an illegal prison in the “LPR”, and from there they were taken to a training ground in the Kursk region.


‼️ Three soldiers escaped from a training ground in Voronezh. The day before, they refused to board a plane to Rostov, from where they were planned to be transferred to Avdeevka

According to ASTRA, yesterday 35 soldiers from regiments 488, 283 and 254, who refused to board the plane to Rostov, were returned to Voronezh. Now they are at the Pogonovo training ground, where the commanders of the 254th regiment with the call signs “Weather” and “Viking” are threatening them to return.

“We were told that we would be zeroed out, that is, they would shoot us. Because we know a lot,” one of the military men told ASTRA.

He later reported that three of them escaped : “ They wanted to lock us in a loaf and send us on a direct flight [to Ukraine].”

It is unknown what happens to the remaining military personnel.

Previously, they were kept in an illegal prison in the “LPR”, after which they were transported to a training ground in the Kursk region, then to Voronezh, and they planned to send them back to Avdeevka. All this time, the “refuseniks” were hidden from their loved ones and their lawyer , were not provided with medical care and were not allowed to contact their relatives.

Moreover, the day before, some of the men, under pressure, agreed to return to the war in Ukraine. At night they were taken to Rostov, and in the morning they crossed the border with the “DPR”.