Please let me know how to use this. Your help is very appreciated.

Edit: This is not a ready meal, it´s an ingredient and I am interested in what recipes to use it for.

  • webghost0101
    1 year ago

    Ive send a screenshot of your post to chatgpt 4V but i agree that you should probably just see ifts not mentioned on the bottle.


    It looks like you have a jar of what appears to be rice or a grain product, potentially a type of rice porridge or congee based on the graphics on the jar. However, without a clear view of the preparation instructions or more context on the product, I can only provide general instructions on how to prepare rice or congee.

    Rice Preparation:

    1. Measure out your desired amount of rice.
    2. Rinse the rice under cold water until the water runs clear to remove excess starch.
    3. Place the rice in a pot or rice cooker.
    4. Add water. A common ratio is 2 cups of water for every 1 cup of rice.
    5. Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer. Cover and let it cook for about 18-20 minutes.
    6. Remove from heat and let it sit covered for another 5 minutes before fluffing with a fork.

    Congee Preparation:

    1. Use a ratio of about 1 cup of rice to 6-8 cups of water.
    2. Rinse the rice and place it in a pot.
    3. Add water and bring to a boil.
    4. Once boiling, reduce the heat to a simmer and let it cook for about 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally.
    5. It’s done when the rice grains are soft and have a porridge-like consistency.

    It would be best to check if there’s an English translation or detailed pictures on the packaging for specific instructions. If it’s a pre-made product, it might just require heating.

    If this isn’t what you’re looking for, consider providing more details or checking with the product manufacturer for accurate instructions.

      1 year ago

      ChatGPT fucks up again.

      What. A. Surprise.

      A hallucinating digital parrot fucks up. In other news water is wet and you can’t land on the Sun at night.

      • webghost0101
        1 year ago

        What ai burned you to be si upset over this?

        I am using gpt4, knowing how to use it its incredibly useful for summarizing, coding, text manipulation,…

        Food is very much a weakness but may have valuable insights so I thought “unknown pot” would be a good way to test the vision component.

        My human self also thought i was looking at a weird looking bowl of rice so i really feel like making that mistake was forgivable. More importantly after specifying the actual ingredient it gave much more useable list, much better then my own guesses or top internet results.

          1 year ago

          All hallucinating digital parrots are upsetting precisely because people are using these artificial bullshit generators to answer questions instead of doing a bit of legwork.

          The problem with these massively obfuscated madlibs machines is that their drivel is constructed in (relatively) good sentences so ignorant people come out of sessions with them more ignorant, not less, and their spewings tend to start displacing actual knowledge and information.

          The code they generate is shit.

          The information they supply is shit.

          The writing they perform is shit.

          There is literally nothing good about them beyond “I can be lazy and look smaarrtt (sic)!”

          • webghost0101
            1 year ago

            The current limitations of ai are those of the operators using it.

            You don’t look smarter because you post something that is wrong, you just show that you are clueless about the subject. And other clueless people will remain as clueless after as before.

            Ignorant people will come out of any session more ignorant because thats what ignorant people do, its nothing worse then the echo chambers that already exist, at least ai is relatively neutral compared to some cults.

            Most people are clueless about many subjects, everyone is an expert at something but especially online there is no way of knowing for sure if something is fact or not besides being an expert yourself an knowing. I have long argued that the ease that people accept or dismiss knowledge is a fundamental issues within our society, this starts in school where teachers may have outdated knowledge or are sometimes just plain wrong as all humans can be. This continues in adult Life where how people look, are dressed and even how tall they are and social Class all play a factor in wether someone will dismiss or take their words for granted.

            Ai, being a parrot as you say is a mirror to this problem, it is a proof of our own bias and stupidity, it is my hope that instead of increasing the issue, it will drive the coming generation to become far more aware of the dangers of misinformation and the need to learn and understand information for yourself in order to trust it.

            Chatgpt can write amazing code, that is trough a process of back and forth code generation and because i know how to code. 9/10 its outputs go straight to the trash bin. 1/10 i specific section in its output saves me a day worth of work.

            Same with writing, i am really bad at writing emails, chatgpt is good at writing but not at speaking.

            I usually draft a mail, let chatgpt rewrite it. Then puzzle my draft and the outputs into a third new form and then i ask chatgpt to check grammar spelling and provide any further insight on how people may interpret the message.

            Its by all means my email, chatgpt is a tool in the process akin to a vast dictionary of sentences and text strings. Its it job to provide the most relevant ones and the humans job to puzzle it together coherently.

            Thats not what i did here though, the vision feature is new so i just thought of trying that out. I also specifically mention it was chatgpt as a warning to take all it says with a grain of rice.

              1 year ago

              So your hot take is hallucinating digital parrot bullshit generator madlibs machines are a good thing because they’re full of shit.


              That’s gotta win some “dumbest thing ever said” award somewhere!

              • webghost0101
                1 year ago

                Way to misquote what I said, maybe I should win a “dumbest thing ever said” award but instead for attempting to reason with you while you have been acting emotional and dismissive from the start.

                I am sharing some of my real-world professional experience working with top-tier AI. What you should have realized by reading my comment is that I am very untrusting in the so-called expertise of internet strangers (you), instead trusting in my own real-world provable knowledge and results. You should do the same, be it human or AI. You are dealing with absolute strangers online; people can lie all they want whenever they want.

                The bullshit mirror (which is really only relevant when a non-expert ignorant person MIS-uses this kind of tech) might help force people to reflect on how complacent they have become towards any kind of information they hear and read online. Similar to smiling to yourself in the mirror and the reflection showing you that your teeth are dirty. That’s “an” optimistic perspective I hold because the idea of excluding AI for the scientific elite only seems rather shitty. I hold some pessimistic perspectives as well because exploring multi-faceted perspectives aids me in my research.

                I will give you 1 point because of your own inability to properly read my comment (most specifically for reading “it is my hope” as “are a good thing”) If you cannot even understand this level of nuance, I can understand why smart-looking unreliable text may pose a difficulty to you. In which case you should probably ask a more cognitively mature trusted family member/friend to help you fact-check the stuff you read.

    • Nakedmole@lemmy.worldOP
      1 year ago

      Thank you. In this case chatgpt got it wrong though. It´s an ingredient for cooking and I am interested in recipes.

      • webghost0101
        1 year ago

        I suppose i should have realized this a Chinese community post but i have never in my life seen an ingredient which contains rice on itself.

        I am now really intrigued, what actually is this?

        Also is rice not considered an ingredient?

        • Nakedmole@lemmy.worldOP
          1 year ago

          It is sweet rice wine, produced by fermenting rice with yeast and Koji. As far as I understand it can be used as a base for sweet porridge, a base for sweet soups, an ingredient in sauces, as a leavening agent in baking, a fermentation starter and also as a base to ferment itself further into rice vinegar or (non sweet, higher alcohol) rice wine. Pretty impressive list, right?

          • webghost0101
            1 year ago

            Thats quite a list indeed. I know rice vinegar very well its what i add to my sushi rice.

            Ive asked chatgpt again and besides drinking it it gave me these uses.

            1. Soup Flavor:

            • Add sweet rice wine to chicken or vegetable soup for enhanced depth of flavor. Pour a little bit and adjust according to taste.

            1. Marinade:

            • Use sweet rice wine in meat or seafood marinades. Add about half as much rice wine as soy sauce or other liquid ingredients.

            1. Stir-Fry:

            • Splash a little bit of sweet rice wine while stir-frying vegetables, meat, or seafood to heighten the dish’s taste.

            1. Steamed Dishes:

            • Pour a little bit of sweet rice wine over fish or chicken before steaming. It helps remove any unwanted fishy or gamey tastes and imparts a mild sweetness.

            • Nakedmole@lemmy.worldOP
              1 year ago

              Very Interesting, that list implies that sweet rice wine can be used like Shaoxing wine, which is used all the time in Chinese cooking.

              • webghost0101
                1 year ago

                Are you using a translator of some kind because i am quite confused, if i google Shaoxing wine then Shaoxing wine IS a type a sweet rice wine so it makes sense that they are used the same. But rice wine i find online never has rice visible in the bottle like this… If they are not the same then english focused chatgpt might have them mixed up.

                Could you show a picture of the information sticker on the side? I’d like to have a closer look at it.

                • Nakedmole@lemmy.worldOP
                  1 year ago

                  Yes, it makes sense because both are types of rice wine but two wines made from the same plant can produce two distinct flavour profiles based on local microorganisms and fermentation techniques. Shaoxing wine alone ranges from dry to super sweet varieties and there are many other kinds of rice wine with different flavours. We can´t just replace a certain rice wine a recipe calls for with another one. If jiu niang (酒酿) can be used in cooking similarly to shaoxing jiu (绍兴酒) I will easily use it up fast because I can use it for many different sauces and dishes.

                  I don´t use a translator, sorry if I confused you with a formulation. Here are the wiki articles for both products, maybe that helps.


