I wonder how steams next CEO is going to destroy it …
Pray to Lord Gaben
Steam is a good product, though. As a user it’s absolutely convenient. Games not on Steam won’t be purchased by a majority of gamers.
And it will be probably remain a good company while Gabe us around. But no one lasts forever. And that could be troublesome in the future. Don’t get me wrong. I love steam. Have a steam deck. Buy about half of my games on their (a few on gog and rest on console). But it could be a problem in the future.
It’ll go to shit about 2 years after it goes public and has stock holders to answer to.
Dont worry you can keep access to your library for just $10 per month*
*to increase by an indescernable amount whenever we feel like it
Far as I’m aware there are a ton of safety measures in place to keep Valve a private company
Anti-aging research needs to hurry the f up and keep Gabon around
And yet people keep arguing in favor of their monopoly 🤷
I hate their monopoly, but every competitor sucks absolute ass. Epic Game Store gives me one or two free games per week, and I STILL don’t use the platform because the platform is aweful.
The “monopoly” makes linux gaming next to flawless and push it forward ever year. Excuse me as I give them more money.
Yup, one of the few products that has actually grown more user friendly and value-laden over time
I hope Valve never goes public
It’s almost like putting your customers first is a viable business practice.
Yeah, they’ve always been great with refunds. Right?
I’ve never had a bad refund experience, personally. They do set out their terms and conditions for refunds quite clearly, I’ve even been able to successfully refund a game I played a little over 2 hours
What’s funny is that Valve didn’t do some backdoor anti-trust shit that Google, Microsoft, or Apple has a history of doing.
All Valve did was focus on the end user so hard that the competition looked extremely bad.
And they aren’t beholden to share holders. Wonder if there’s a connection. 🤔
Just look at him, he’s an f’in wizard