Coldy-hoty seems to shut down the 😔

(I didn’t ask him about it, just saw that the page redirects to a game instead of lemmy instance)

The site’s admin has “given up” on Lemmy he said in a post iirc

    111 months ago

    Was this a general purpose Norwegian instance? I hope it wasn’t the Norwegian main one. If it helps allows for Scandinavian languages on there - I’ve seen Swedish people engaging

  • Comments about it;

    The continuous implementation of a very controversial ideology, fascist ideology some would say, in the lemmy software is why I’ve given up on lemmy. Maybe things will change down the line.

    That’s why I’m advocating different software where this isn’t a concern. Also, I thought this instance already was banned by the biggest instances, including in an attempt to isolate the instance and make it less attractive to new users?

    With the wonder of the fediverse, it doesn’t really matter where we are as long as we agree on where to meet.

    I’m not on lemmy anymore, yet we chat. If you go to a lotide instance we can still communicate through this group.

    In my personal opinion, Lemmy is visually smoother than lotide. I like that. Maybe others prefer the rudimentary look of lotide instances.

    Beyond Lemmy and Friendica being group compatible, I think Pleroma (twitter style) and even PeerTube (youtube style) would allow us to interact.