I did actually leave a placeholder for where profile editing should be accessible.
On the account page, your own sidebar has an “edit profile” button. My plans involved making it open a screen with fields for the profile image, banner, display name, and bio.
I added that before the current account settings button for accessing unblocking, however.
In general though, the account page is a bit messy atm, I plan to give it a once over again soon in terms of UX.
I did actually leave a placeholder for where profile editing should be accessible.
On the account page, your own sidebar has an “edit profile” button. My plans involved making it open a screen with fields for the profile image, banner, display name, and bio.
I added that before the current account settings button for accessing unblocking, however.
In general though, the account page is a bit messy atm, I plan to give it a once over again soon in terms of UX.