• nick@midwest.social
    1 year ago

    Life changing. I was on adderall for a while and the focus was just amazing. Unfortunately I was taking it with several cans of Red Bull and they lead to panic attacks.

    I cut out the caffeine and switched to vyvanse and it’s been great.

  • @Suck_on_my_Presence I was diagnosed with ADHD when I was young, back in the 90’s. I was on ritalin then adderall. For a while meds worked great, but after a couple months I started getting really emotional and upset about things.

    Things I forgot to bring to school like homework or supplies that were requested, right before class I would have these shocking realization moments and get really upset over this and it left me feeling miserable all day.

    It got so bad I had to be taken off Adderall and was not put on anymore ADHD medications for a long time, not till I was in community college in '07-'08 I was put back on it because I was having problems with College and needed to get back on medication.

    I was put on the generics of Adderall. And Like before, it worked for a while. But then I started having these really emotional and miserable moments again when I would forget something and it was a repeat of what I went through in the 90’s. I finally had to be taken off of it again.

    I haven’t gone back on Ritalin or Adderall in almost 15 years. My ADHD is still a massive pain without it, but I have learned to adapt better with my ADHD over the years.

    But that was my own experience with ADHD meds, and the meds do affect people differently. So don’t expect my experience with it to be your experience.

  • nromdotcom@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    My wife got on stimulant meds after her diagnosis a couple years ago and they were life changing for her. She was having trouble getting them for a couple months during the shortage and that was tough on her.

    Like another commenter mentioned, you’ll probably wanna avoid caffeine for at least the first couple of weeks if you’re taking the stimulant meds. Once you adjust, you may be able to do caffeine again, but you may give yourself a real bad day if you aren’t careful.

  • Paragone@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    Please do the experiments identified in William J. Walsh’s “Nutrient Power” book, and discover whether they remove the need for pharmaceutical drugs.

    IF they do, THEN you’ve found a much-less-toxic answer. ELSE, you tried an experiment, and you learned that that didn’t work, and you have exactly the same situation you currently have, except with better-understanding ( knowing 1 alternative didn’t work for you ).

    I have replicated the undermethylated-DNA-disorder treatment in William J. Walsh’s “Nutrient Power” book, 4 times, 2x with enteric-coated SAM-e, taken 40mins before breakfast, with clear water ( then ride the nausea for awhile, but the results after 3 months were STUNNING: ZERO stress??? ) 2x with Methionine ( 4 months for results, same nausea, but that can be hidden in a meal, so you don’t notice it ).

    I have replicated the pyrrol-disorder treatment in his book 4 times, discovering that it is required to use zinc-gluconate and zinc-picolinate, but not zinc-citrate, and arachidonic-acid-precursor ( the evening-primrose oil he recommends, but never explains why ), and P5P form of one of the B vitamins. Doing so, at the correct levels, meant that for the 1st time in my life I experienced life without the amygdala-highjack PTSD-style flash-RAGEs, and was simply happy. Never experienced that before, or after, those experiments.

    The reason I discontinued the undermethylated-DNA-disorder treatment is that it removed stress, completely, from my life, but it also removed drive, striving, academic-striving, perfectionism, and other similar/related things, and I NEED my drive/striving, even if it is too-strong and distorts me, better to have it than to have none-of-it.

    However, if ever I find that I need to “take the edge off”, I can simply take Methionine, 1 capsule / day, and within a few months, I get a break/relief from the life-crushing stress.

    The reason I discontinued the pyrrol-disorder was that for me it was requiring 200mg zinc per day, and that meant a zinc tablet every 6 hours, and the regime was brutal, and keeping the biochemistry-balance was stressing me out…

    ( Walsh states in his book that people with pyrrol-disorder have biologies which wrongly eradicate zinc, and it takes multiple times the zinc that a person without pyrrol-disorder would require, to make correctly-functioning biochemistry. My experience backed that, completely. I suspect that anybody without pyrrol-disorder would be outright killed, by metals-poisoning, from 0.2g of zinc in a mix of gluconate & picolinate, every day, within weeks. For my chemistry, it made me not-fighting-the-rages-all-the-damn-time & happy )

    Walsh states that overmethylated-DNA-disorder ( treated with niacinimide & folate ), and undermethylated-DNA-disorder, and pyrrol-disorder, account for much, if not most, of “psychiatric” conditions.

    My life-experience backs that statement.

    Being gaslighted by psychiatrists that a 10% brain-volume-loss ( acute child-onset “schizophrenia”, and that 10% brain-volume-loss has been known-about since the 1920’s btw ) isn’t brain-injury, as stroke, aneurism, and concussion are, but is magically “illness of the mind” ( so the 10% brain-tissue loss has ZERO significance?? ), is galling

    What kids who just had 10% of their brain-volume apoptosis-slaughtered NEED, is help in dealing-with-massive-brain-injury, and NOT bullying, combined with gaslighting, combined with major-tranquilizers… Get them out of the pressure of school, put them in sane, supportive, distortion-challenging environments, treat whatever methylation-disorder or/and pyrrol-disorder they have, and help them put their brains back into functioning again.


    is a paper SHOWING where brain-loss occurs, so don’t bother pushing the “there’s no scientific evidence that the 10% brain-volume-reduction is real” gaslighting ( I’m not saying that to the person I’m replying-to, I’m stating that for all who read this, who push medical-fundamentalism ).

    I used to believe-in medicine, as a religion ( dad was a medical-researcher, doctor, etc ), but their rejection of scientific-method, preferring prejudice, has turned me off from wanting anything to do with the … effectively, “church”.

    They have plenty of evidence that the year-long identity-formation-hazing-ritual of Residency:

    • damages performance, putting lives at risk
    • damages learning, making significantly less learning get into the medical-resident in any given month than could have been the case, with saner hours/workload
    • damages empathy, putting patient-lives at-risk for the entire rest of their career,
    • etc,

    but because it is an identity-forming ritual, evidence simply cannot dent the belief/devotion/fanaticism.

    “Evidence-based medicine” that rejects evidence, holding instead to establishment-authority’s lordhood, … is gaslighting.

    That gaslighting has been called-out in books, btw…

    Doctor’s narcissism-culture is even used as the exemplar of narcissism-culture in a book by researchers Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright ( named “Tribal Leadership”, about the 5 social-process levels ).

    V.S. Ramachandran railed at doctors’ narcissism in his book “Phantoms in the Brain”, re 1 patient of his…

    There is a chapter in one of John Brockman’s ( editor ) books, the one named something like “This Idea Must Die”, and that article explicitly states that doctors don’t do evidence-based medicine, they do authority based medicine.

    Doctors, of course, contempt that, & deem all who speak what the evidence shows, to be “mentally ill”, which, itself, is also gaslighting.

    I’m fed-up with that.

    ( raised by narcissists: both parents were medical-professionals, and medical-culture IS narcissistic, and the effects of that have been studied, in the damage it does to kids of such parents, going back decades ).

    As Sabine Hossenfelder says, in her video on it: “Do your own research, BUT DO IT RIGHT.”

    Comically, doctors’ authority-addiction is going to be torpedoed by ML and AI, and there isn’t anything they can do about it, simply because the machines are better diagnosticians than the doctors are, and THAT is evidence-based medicine.

    It is irresponsible/incompetent to have a less-accurate-human read the X-ray & diagnose, when a machine can do it with less false-negative and false-positive errors: patient-lives are on the line.

    Watch them fight to prevent the better-diagnostician machines from doing the job that they do better than the doctors…

    They already are, ttbomk…

    It’s your LIFE, you know?

    There are 3 books I recommend for A.D.D./A.D.H.D.:

    • “The Disorganized Mind”, by Nancy A. Ratey
    • “Organizing From The Inside Out”, by Julie Morgenstern
    • “Organizing Solutions For People With ADHD”, by Susan C. Pinksy ( that last one caused me to realize I needed to keep my clean-clothes in the bathroom, so when I come out of the shower, clean clothes are right-there. )

    and this one I recommend for most:

    • “21 Days to Resilience”, by Montminy

    Salut, Namaste, & Kaizen, Hoomin…

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