• AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
    3 years ago

    Has done some good work like the GDPR and picking fights with tech corporations. On the other hand, it gives Europeans a massive sense of euro-supremacy. Just look at /r/Europe and its meme analog, /r/YUROP. Also gives Europe a united front to be imperialist.

    It’s also a major player in the capitalist war against socialist countries like Vietnam, Venezuela, the DPRK and especially China, while supporting the US in its world domination efforts.

    I support some of the projects that the EU undertakes like the GDPR, but I certainly don’t support all of what they do or their general ideology (Eurosupremacist capitalism).

    • Peter1986c@lemmy.ml
      3 years ago

      Fair enough, but I think that the “Eurosupremacist capitalism” is at least partially a reflection of the politics from the EU’s most powerful members. After all, the current europarlement is comprised of “blocks” built with representatives from national parties. Those who hold the reins nationally, are most likely to also hold them at the top level. In addition, individual EU member states are not “strong” enough on their own so the EU is necessary despite its shortcomings. We are not Canada after all. Either we form a “block”, or you Canadians are left without us to duke it out against US, Russia, China on the world stage. And honestly, Venezuela partly has itself to blame for its mess given the domestic political decision-making. Yes, I realise there may be foreign influence as well but would that not be mostly the US? They (used to) love messing with e.g. Chile as well.

      So to be honest with you, I do not see how resenting the EU for being what it is helps anyone on this globe with the (geopolitical) issues with e.g. the US, Russia, China and so on (I do not resent any of their citizens of course, I mostly refer political bodies in this case).