This thread is for discussing what you are watching/watched recently.  Let us know what you've seen recently whether it's old or new, good or bad, or anything in between.  Obviously, movies are preferred, but feel free to post whatever you've been watching.  Expect spoilers.
    9 months ago

    Watched Renfield (2023) last night. Found it to be a bit of fun, but felt like it under delivered.

    I love the premise of a disillusioned Renfield trying to take his life back from Dracula. Unfortunately, that core struggle gets lost amid a world domination plot, an absurdly well armed criminal empire, corrupt cops, a dead dad sibling justice vengeance tale, and a romance that is basically microwaved Warm Bodies (which was lukewarm on arrival to begin with!).

    Idk. The more I think about it, the more disappointed I am. Some of the action set pieces are fun, and occasionally there’s a bit of effects work that grabs your attention. 2/4 stars.

    • canthidium@lemmy.worldOP
      9 months ago

      Yep, agreed completely. The premise is interesting and Cage is actually pretty good without being too over the top but the rest is tonally all over the place. It tries to be serious and then Jean Ralphio comes in and is a cartoon. I left pretty disappointed at the potential.