Some people want to be able to watch a movie “for the first time” all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?
Some people want to be able to watch a movie “for the first time” all over again. Others want to forget a rubbish one. If you could remove just one movie from your memory, which would it be?
I’m surprised no one has mentioned Fight Club as a thing to rewatch with no memory that would be amazing.
For a film I’d want to erase cause it was awful I’d go with the last Jedi I genuinely hated that film. Or Star Trek into darkness hated that also.
People hated TFA for all of the wrong reasons (and several REALLY wrong reasons), but it was actually a decent and competent action/adventure movie. Albeit not a great Star Wars movie, but pretty decent. TLJ was hot garbage. I didn’t even watch TRoS. Still haven’t.
I remember going to see TLJ at Leicester Square on opening night me and my brother and sister all paid silly money relative to other cinemas and I just came out of it going I don’t know if I even like this while my brother was raving about how it was the best thing he’s seen in years lol
I think he got caught up in the moment.
Honestly it’s also like when I saw Star Trek 09 with a friend at the BFI imax and I came out of it with him having had the time of his life and the only positive thing I could say was “ I liked the music “