This question’s on my mind because my coworker today mentioned they would vote for Trump if they could (mind you this is 2023, in Canada). I don’t generally have the talking points or the desire to fight about it, so I just deflected the conversation. But I often wish I was more strong-willed and could try to figure out why someone believes what they do and, if it’s invalid, then convince them otherwise.

Thus, I’m curious what you all would say or what you’ve done in the past!

  • chunkystyles
    1 year ago

    Single issue voting is harmful. Single issue voters are easily manipulated and are often just tools for other political parties to manipulate elections.

    Announcing that I was a single issue voter would be incredibly embarrassing for me. Knowing that I could vote for a party that I thought was against my and my country’s best interests because of one, single pet issue would be embarrassing. To me, that would feel like a severe lack of integrity.

    • Thorny_Thicket
      1 year ago

      In my case the alternative is to not vote at all.

      Every time during elections when I fill out those questionares that are supposed to help me choose a canditate, the suggestions vary from far left to far right and everything in between. There simply is no party that aligns with me. I’m politically homeless.

      If I were to vote for the party that most closely represents my views, that would then also be a vote for the religious, intolerant, anti-abortion right wing party. Nah. I’ll rather vote for the idealistic fools on the left, that atleast agree with me about weed.