Half of their most current videos feature Tucker Carlson, a well known Russian and Right wing sock puppet, and white supremacist and neo-nazi supporter, and the other half seem to follow the latest right wing media trends as they occur.

  • intensely_human@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    So your case that Tucker Carlson is a shire supremacist can be summarized as:

    • Someone he once worked with posted racist stuff online (from your first link)
    • Some white supremacists are fans of him, and this counts against him despite the fact that: “There’s no evidence that Carlson shares the bigoted worldview of some of his biggest fans” according to the article cited by the article cited by the article in your second link.

    That’s a very weak case. Do you realize that?

    In one case he was associated with someone who allegedly posted racist stuff online (I haven’t tracked that claim back to see if it’s true), and that person got fired from Carlson’s staff when those allegations came to light. In the other case the association is a one-way association, where some “alt-right” people have posted memes that say you can’t cuck the tuck, hence he’s a white supremacist.

    As a level of evidence this is weak as fuck. You should be ashamed to stand behind this as a case, and if you’re actually convinced based off this that he’s a white supremacist you’re allowing yourself to be someone else’s bulldog. You’re being used to spread misinformation.

    • jadedctrl
      1 year ago

      My case chiefly rests on his years of white supremacist rhetoric — which you didn’t address. I mentioned those other two bits at the end of my comment. On their own, I agree, they are slightly concerning but not damning; but in the context of his show’s content and rhetoric, they are.