• hoodatninja@kbin.social
    10 months ago

    Only assholes don’t tip their bartenders when they know it is the primary way they make rent.

    I am against tipping culture. I have repeated this in a dozen comments. But not tipping does not end tipping culture or hurt businesses. It only hurts the person serving you.

    If you go to places where tips are expected then it is on you to pay a tip. If you don’t want to tip, don’t go to bars. You can save plenty of money drinking at home with friends. But to avail yourself of those services and then refuse to uphold the part of the bargain we are all aware of is trashy.

    You hate tipping culture so much you refuse to participate, but not so much that you won’t give those establishments your money? Please. Splitting hairs over specific cases doesn’t change the ridiculous entitlement that comes with this position. You know what is expected, you know these people depend on it, yet you refuse. That’s a selfish move. Do not try to sell it as some generous action in a great struggle to end tipping culture or whatever fairytale you choose. We both know you don’t believe that it solves the problem.

    • ChronosWing@lemmy.zip
      10 months ago

      Did I say I don’t tip at all? No, I said I tip for exceptional service as it should be. You handing me a beer from behind the counter that requires zero effort on your part does not deserve a tip. You pouring me a coffee does not deserve a tip. Also the hypocrisy of calling me entitled while these people think I should be supplementing their income for doing the bare minimum is laughable. If you are not getting paid enough and you require the kindness of strangers to pay your rent then you need to find a better job with stable income. Strike if you have to. Don’t sit here and try to guilt trip people into to paying your wages and then when we do tip you complain it’s not enough.